question about missing a week of propecia


New Member
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Hey everyone im switching docters and it its gonna take till next wed before i can be seen and get my propecia refilled...Ive been on propercia for about 2 1/2 years and never gonna this long with it. I was wondering if the 7 or so days that im off it what will happen will my hair go down hill or does in stay in my system long enough in order that i will not start to lose what I have kept...any help would be greatly appreciated


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You won't have any problems. It takes about 2-3 weeks for your DHT levels to return to normal, and even if you reach that point, your hair will not be affected. It would take at least a couple months for your hair folicles to be adversely affected by that... And even in that case, returning on finasteride will more than likely return you right back to where you were in a couple months again. It's not like minoxidil, where you lose all the hair you gained over the course of a month.