Question about Intercytex phase I


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is this the first time anyone has made it through the phase I trial for HM, and have many others attempted before?


Established Member
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I'm not sure what you mean, but in Phase I, 5 out of 7 patients grew hair. Keep in mind, the first phase was to check to see if was safe which no issues have come up now. Phase II is to find the correct dosage to grow the most hair.

Phase III will begin in 2008 or small scale commercialization in 2008 could happen if Phase II has good results.

The thing is they estimate a 2010 release, keep in mind it's only an estimation it's not set in stone. The thing is honestly we don't really know what's going on. When this product comes, it will come. In the mean time, save up.


Experienced Member
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I think the answer is yes, Intercytex is the first company to have executed Phase I clinical trials for Hair Multiplication.

I think tha was the question.