question about hair and scalp hygiene


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I workout doing cardio almost everyday and, of course, I perspire alot on my head. Is there anything that one can wipe their head/scalp down with to take the sweat salts, toxins, etc. off that would be good for the scalp between washings? For instance, I shower in the morning and go to work but during lunch time I might walk the steps for 15 to 20 mins. What could I wipe my scalp down with until I shower and shampoo? I was thinking something like baby wipes but that might not be great for the scalp. I would even mix up some type of concoction that some of you may know of that would be economical and good for the scalp. Thanks.


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Honestly I would just give your hair a quick rinse of water. Sweat isn't toxic to your scalp, no need for shampoos. Just a rinse should be fine.


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if you are washing your hair everyday then i think a little sweat here and there will give your hair some much needed moisture. i for one think washing your hair everyday, though good for the scalp, is too harsh on your hair. of course, if you are dripping sweat, then a good rinse should be sufficient to get out the excess.

but, if you really want a wipe, i noticed in the grocery store the other day a section in the hair care aisle for bald men. they had scalp wipes. but the picture on the box had a man with a completely shaved head, so i don't know how well they would work for someone with hair.