Question About Follica In Regards To Maintenance


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Presuming Follica gets released commercially how often will a dermatologist need to administer the treatment? If it is primarily dermarolling with minoxidil and other goodies wouldn't that mean you would have to constantly go for top ups? Can anyone shed any light on this please?


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A lot of people know the science behind a lot of the upcoming treatments. They speculate on Replicel etc so I'm sure some will be able to give an educated answer.


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replicel has nothing to speculate about, its a megashot of stemcells that supposedly immunizes the remaining hair on top up to 5 years and regrows some and they are just testing if spreading the dose instead of a big one helps with more regrowth.

Follica so far showed nothing except the claim that it regrows 25 FU's/cm^2, however they said its a complimentary treatment meaning you still need to take finasteride as it possibly does not address the dht part of male pattern baldness. If we knew anything about follica we could probably replicate their results since its science is based on wounding and most people here dermaroll along with minoxidil.


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replicel has nothing to speculate about, its a megashot of stemcells that supposedly immunizes the remaining hair on top up to 5 years and regrows some and they are just testing if spreading the dose instead of a big one helps with more regrowth.

Follica so far showed nothing except the claim that it regrows 25 FU's/cm^2, however they said its a complimentary treatment meaning you still need to take finasteride as it possibly does not address the dht part of male pattern baldness. If we knew anything about follica we could probably replicate their results since its science is based on wounding and most people here dermaroll along with minoxidil.

Do you have any sources regarding the permanence of hair created with Follica, or the claim that it's a complementary treatment? Have been wondering about this and whether or not the new hair would be DHT-resistant. Would love to read something about it to clear it up.

Also, does anyone know if the hair created by basic dermarolling is DHT-resistant at all?


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Not 100% sure but i think Cotsarellis himself claimed follica to be a complementary treatment. Treatments like wounding, minoxidil or other growth factors all fall in the same category, the one that does not address the most important aspect which is hormones.

Follica will 90% be a vastly superior upgrade to minoxidil + dermaroll but wont achieve maintenance.

On the other hand i want to believe...


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Not 100% sure but i think Cotsarellis himself claimed follica to be a complementary treatment. Treatments like wounding, minoxidil or other growth factors all fall in the same category, the one that does not address the most important aspect which is hormones.

Follica will 90% be a vastly superior upgrade to minoxidil + dermaroll but wont achieve maintenance.

On the other hand i want to believe...

Okay, thanks, that sounds logical, even if it's discouraging. It'd be awesome if dermarolling/Follica at least "reset" the follicles so they wont detoriate until after a couple of years.


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And yes follica requires a trained person to wound you per their protocol which means multiple touch ups for eternity. To answer OP's question. The frequency however is currently unknown but i wouldnt be surprised if it required monthly visits to clinics for wounding sessions.
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New member new thread lol wtf?!? I'm sure these guys are old banned members that wanna f*** up our last piece of sanity..


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How long does the hair last?

Hairs that I have personally created on my head with abrasions or needling have lasted most of a decade now. At least a few cycles. I don't see any reason why a Follica-created hair should last any less than that. They might not last 'forever' but we will probably be paying for ongoing treatments to build up density/coverage anyway.

Maybe we get Follica redone on a regular basis, or maybe we get a few rounds of it and then something better comes along . . . whatever. Bottom line, we get a bunch of hair back and we can probably keep it with some maintenance sessions from somebody.

Cotsarelis/Follica statements must to be taken with grains of salt. They have zero motive to sell us on their product right now (unlike most hair multiplication operations we speculate on) but anything they say now might come back to haunt them if they oversell it.


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New member new thread lol wtf?!? I'm sure these guys are old banned members that wanna f*** up our last piece of sanity..
Yes new members are permitted to join this forum. Sorry to disappoint you but there are other human beings excluding yourself who care about male pattern baldness. There are people on this forum less educated than a lot of veterans. We are all not at the level of a PhD biologist. I apologize if I I do not meet the credentials for your acceptance to post. In an aforementioned post I discussed the issue of people being hostile to newbies. What purpose does it serve? Why not make yourself useful and post a link if my questions have already been asked. I am not a very smart person but at the same time I am not on the spectrum and know how to talk to people with dignity and respect. Please extend me the same courtesy.
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Senior Member
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Yes new members are permitted to join this forum. Sorry to disappoint you but there are other human beings excluding yourself who care about male pattern baldness. There are people on this forum less educated than a lot of veterans. We are all not at the level of a PhD biologist. I apologize if I I do not meet the credentials for your acceptance to post. In a aforementioned post I discussed the issue of people being hostile to newbies. What purpose does it serve? Why not make yourself useful and post a link if my questions have already been asked. I am not a very smart person but at the same time I am not on the spectrum and know how to talk to people with dignity and respect. Please extend me the same courtesy.
Enlightened by your answer I would humbly suggest using the search button like in every other forum that you are ever going to use just for the sake of self education and happily living together around.


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Enlightened by your answer I would humbly suggest using the search button like in every other forum that you are ever going to use just for the sake of self education and happily living together around.
I do try this initially but sometimes the question I want to ask is quite intricate and unique. Maybe in one post somewhere in the thousands someone casually asked what I did. But surely it's best to conserve energy and say nothing at all rather than this perpetual complaining about posts one may consider unsavoury.
Ultimately I am very impressed with the high level of knowledge a lot of forum members have on the science behind these treatments. It's rather perplexing why they are so disinclined to help a fellow balding brother out.


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Furthermore reading through this thread people have started to speculate if we will need top up treatments thus the thread cannot be considered completely redundant surely? Peace.