Quesiton on types of hairloss

Jimmy P

New Member
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Hello everyone..
i am new here, and I have tryed to find stickies and some type of FAQ's to see what type of hair loss I may have. I see a bunch of names being thrown around, and I can't seem to find some type of chart, or list of pictures with teh different types of male pattern baldness.
Is there such a link?

I am 24 years old, and always had very thin hair, with a slight receiving hair line. Now it is getting thinner and thinner all around the top of my had, and my hair line is recieving a little bit. Is this a diffuse thinner? Thanks
I have been on black market finasteride 1mg for for about 6 months, but when this supply runs out, I will try to find a reliable online pharmacy that sells some fincar, then split them into 4. I also have been using Nizoral almost daily, and using T-Gel shampoo on the rest of the days. Thanks

Jimmy P

New Member
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Wow, read over 45 times and no response? Looks like there are alot of lurkers on this board.
Here are some pics of my head. What would you guys classify this as?






Senior Member
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Nw2.5. You seem to have a good plan of action going, just stick with that.