pumping iron

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BadHairDecade said:
losin_it said:
Both of those cycles tell me you were uninformed on how to use the drugs

Maybe your right, but I was following training/eating advice of a guy who sounded just like you and competed.

This was the guy who's been doing steriods for years and convinced me it's no big deal. Basically a scum bag drug dealer..
I gained 30 lbs of muscle and I looked great. .I had a great time and felt invincable. I knew/know how to eat to gain mass and I was ready to compete.....Then coming off my second cycle I hit a severe depression, started having heart problems, nuts shrank, gyno. Then the guy who knew everything suddenly disappeared.
Shortly after I tried to take my own life. Survived, then my hair started to fall out. Only person in my family with hair loss is my Grandmother. Some people do fine with taking steriods I wasn't one of them.
The depression was so bad...I pushed away my band, girlfriend, relatives, missed my own sisters wedding.
I knew about all the other side effects and delt with them accordingly. I didn't know about the possibility of depression which is pretty common after you do a little research.
sorry but injecting testosterone in your *** is stupid and it's Illegal unless advised by a qualified physician which I'm pretty sure you're not.
call it complaining but I'm not the only one this has happened to.

Good post BHD -- thanks for the personal insight.



MD2002----------> how can you be so sure when you dont know me... im in the gym as good as every day... you DONT work harder than me... thats not POSSIBLE!!! maybe you are more lucky with your genetics.. i dont know... but i have absolutely no idea how you can say you work harder than me... thats not possible without overreaching... so again a stupid comment...

no im NOT arnold and im NOT going to be mr universe... i have other plans for life!
But therefore im not a 8 week junkie..

food, training, resting.. all is very fine.. and i havn't used any kind of roids for over 2 years.. and im in better shape now than then... im only thinking about trying a mild circle again, because im tired of using so much time and power, and only getitng small progress.. but hey im not even sure im gonna go for another circle.... its only a thougt.. and if, its gonna be really mild..

so dont judge me when you dont know me!


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Dude all I am saying is anyone who does roids is a retard. If your not doing them now, thats great news. I have alot more respect for you now!! I have no respect for anyone who is on roids... It's taking the easy way out........ DOn't give me this crap about making small gains so your looking for a boost. That is probably because the human body can only get so big wihout the help of some kind of anabolic steroid. Your at your limit. It's your body telling you " This is it" be happy and live with it.

Badhair decade-

Great Post!!!! Thanks for the Insight. Hopefully people will listen and realize that roids aren't worth it.


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I am pretty sure at least for some kinds of roids that the a major side effect is hairloss, perhaps not always but it certainly is not something I would suggest while one is losing hair. Yeah for sure some are lucky and never have hairloss as a side but it is without a doubt a very real side. Sometimes is also not about working harder but rather smarter.


MD2002--> you dont need to tell me WHY im not getting great results anymore... the fact is my genetics want let me reach the results i wont.. so maybe i'll use a little help .. maybe i wont... it's not, and will never be your business..
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