Prp Worth Trying? Possible Downsides/shed?


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Background: 27M, NW2, been on finasteride for 6 years with excellent results. Looking to increase density and for minor regrowth along hairline and vertex.

I went to see a well-reviewed hair transplant surgeon today for a consultation. I felt a little stupid because he said my hair loss was basically not noticeable and I have a normal mature hairline (although he barely looked). Interestingly he said a NW2/mature hairline wasn't even really hair loss. He recommended I add minoxidil 5% foam 1x/day if I wanted to add something. He also said about 65% of people respond to his PRP+Acell and it is effective so that could be an option.

The issue is that when my hair is clean, dry and styled my hair thinness/loss is not really noticeable. However, when wet or greasy it is very noticeable, particularly at the vertex. I know this is a great situation to be in and am lucky that I responded so well to finasteride. However, it still bothers me.

- I would rather pay the $1k+/year to do a treatment that doesn't require a daily regimen. The cost is not that important for something that could work.
- It seems that getting PRP while I still have decent hair (but definitely have male pattern baldness) would be better than waiting until it's eventually worse?
- I am really worried about the shed I would have to go through with minoxidil or PRP. Does anyone know if a PRP shed is less likely or less severe?
- I have read that if there is a PRP shed it starts after 6 weeks and could go for another 6 weeks.
- Is it possible that PRP could make my hair worse (after possible initial shed)?

Any thoughts welcome. In reading people's experiences with PRP, most negative ones seem to be with people who are not on an anti-androgen, which I would not expect to work well. Also if you have any questions about finasteride or my experience, feel free to DM me.


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I always thought people had no clue when talking about prp having no effect until i tried myself.
I had 6 sessions + stem cells taken from my stomach fat. The doctor is good and he said 90% respond well, but still I had 0 results, it even got worse.

I would recommend you if your hairloss is not progressing: dont change anything and dont add anything.
You can try minoxidil, but it makes the hair a bit greasy and its a bit annoying. Also for many it doesnt work or stops working after 1-2 years. And you will always be scared to stop.

If your hairloss starts progressing again, then I would try avodart 0,5 every day.

If you are really unhappy with the the current state and your hairloss hasnt progressed for years, then just do a hair transplant. You will be happy and can live your normal life without any annoying routine. And if its no really bad surgeon, you get guaranteed results and no "maybe it gets better".

And then quit hairloss forums, sh*t makes depressed and here are a lot of crazy people. Some of them have no luck with any treatment, some just trying to sell you something and some are just liars.
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Wow thank you that is really good advice. If there is any chance PRP would make my hair worse it's not worth it. I'll just get a hair transplant if it gets any worse.

And you are right about the forums. I used to be on here all the time. Got treated for body dysmorphia (BDD) which I think a large amount of people here have and stopped visiting. Maybe I'll try only posting to help people.


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Yes BDD is what most people here have.
Just wanted to correct myself. I dont think PRP itself made my hair worse. I just think it didnt do something and my hair got worse anyway (of course I cant know that).
I also talked here to the head of Dermatology in Charite Berlin, because I saw she was engaged in many researches here in hairloss. She herself said, there is no prove that PrP does anything, neither in combination with stem cells. She also said I shouldnt expect a real cure in the next time.
But I still did PrP with stem cells because I wanted something to work so badly.