Proscar or Finpecia?


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Hi guys,
i have been no 1/6th proscar for about 5.5 months, and my hair is at its worst... i used to have a lot more thicker and better hair than i got on this piece of sh*t.
Now i am thinking of switching over to the real thing... propecia before i finally accept the fate. Is there any place where i can get propecia for cheap.. at this time its so damn expensive.. about 54$ CAD :(
Also i dont mind using Finpecia if its the exact thing as propecia... but no im done with fukking proscar sh*t.

Any ideas ? Where can i order Finpecia in Canada? Also anyone who has used finpecia... is it really the real thing?


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what do you imagine the benefit of switching from proscar to propecia will be? it's the same drug, just different dosage. i'd try cutting the proscar into 1/4's rather than 1/6's before ditching for propecia. you're saving money with your current regime.


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VWdude said:
don't be a cheap ***, just get propecia.

wtf... u calling me cheap or its just too damn expensive? i dont want my money to go down the drain if i am getting the same sh*t from finpecia.


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chewbacca said:
what do you imagine the benefit of switching from proscar to propecia will be? it's the same drug, just different dosage. i'd try cutting the proscar into 1/4's rather than 1/6's before ditching for propecia. you're saving money with your current regime.

No man.... its all crap. I can tell from experience it doesnt work. If you like to experiment.. go ahead but i for am done with that sh*t. How is it going with finpecia btw?


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Warrior, I don'tt understand you. You first say all the stuff is crap, then you say you're going on propecia?


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do whatever your heart tells you... personally i like to spend the extra bucks knowing that what i get is geniune...and not made in some third world country with lesser quality control.

propecia for me... but what about you? thincar? finpecia?

Uiskii to Biiru

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I took finpecia for two and a half months before I quit do to sides. Finpecia most certainly increased my chest fat to an abnormal degree, so, from my experience it's the real deal. So, if you're lucky and get no sides from cut Proscar don't hesitate to order finpecia online, if it saves you some cash, that is... since I don't know whether it's less expensive than Proscar cut into fifths.

Proscar is the exact same drug, though, so you might just be a non-responder.


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Warrior101 said:
chewbacca said:
what do you imagine the benefit of switching from proscar to propecia will be? it's the same drug, just different dosage. i'd try cutting the proscar into 1/4's rather than 1/6's before ditching for propecia. you're saving money with your current regime.

No man.... its all crap. I can tell from experience it doesnt work. If you like to experiment.. go ahead but i for am done with that sh*t. How is it going with finpecia btw?

Dude you make no sense whatsoever??! You want to switch from Proscar to finpecia because you think Proscar is crap...

Now that's weird....


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VWdude said:
do whatever your heart tells you... personally i like to spend the extra bucks knowing that what i get is geniune...and not made in some third world country with lesser quality control.

propecia for me... but what about you? thincar? finpecia?

Proscar is very legit - just as legit as Propecia.....


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With all due respect to Warrior101, he is confused and doesnt understand that Propecia and Proscar are both Finasteride.


Do as you will bud but here are the actual possibilities:

1. 1/6th a Proscar (or about .8mg of Finasteride) is not sufficient in your situation.

2. Finasteride is not working for you. In other words, you may be one of the 20% of men who Finasteride does not work for.

The Solutions:

For problem # 1 try taking either 1/4th a Proscar daily (IE 1.25mg) or take 2.5mg every 3 days.

For problem # 2 you can try Finasteride P-L-U-S a topical 5ar inhibitor or ar blocker OR try Dutasteride OR try Dutasteride plus a topical 5ar inhibitor or ar blocker.

The funny thing is, you are wanting to drop namebrand Finasteride (Proscar) for namebrand Finasteride (Propecia) which are two identical things minus the yearly cost... OR you want to trade namebrand Finasteride (Proscar) for some cheap Indian generic (finpecia) LoL :lol:

Makes no sense but like I said, do as you will!


I'm started out taking 1.25mg of Finasteride (Proscar) for several months before switching to 2.5mg of Finasteride (Proscar) every 3 days. Things have been working GREAT for me and my hair is looking VERY good. Proscar is legit stuff man, there is no "experimentation" when it comes to Proscar!

And one last thing, finpecia is made in Indian which is the largest exported of fake drugs. finpecia is not manufactured exactly the same was as Merck's Finasteride but is suppose to have the same chemical reaction in your body....

Fck that! hahahaha

Good luck man!


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juststarting said:
Warrior, I don'tt understand you. You first say all the stuff is crap, then you say you're going on propecia?

I didnt say finasteride is crap as a whole.. i just dont trust the myth of cutting proscar is giving me uniform doseage everyday, and thats why i want to switch to a regular trusted dose.


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PartTimeNinja said:
Warrior101 said:
chewbacca said:
what do you imagine the benefit of switching from proscar to propecia will be? it's the same drug, just different dosage. i'd try cutting the proscar into 1/4's rather than 1/6's before ditching for propecia. you're saving money with your current regime.

No man.... its all crap. I can tell from experience it doesnt work. If you like to experiment.. go ahead but i for am done with that sh*t. How is it going with finpecia btw?

Dude you make no sense whatsoever??! You want to switch from Proscar to finpecia because you think Proscar is crap...

Now that's weird....

I want 1 and only 1mg of finasteride everyday... what is so hard to understand here?


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Guys... im sorry for having committed the sin of calling proscar not the same as propecia.. i knew u guys were gonna go ballistic at me for that. But from my experience, i dont think it has the same effect as propecia... we're not just getting the uniform doseage that is needed.

Secondly, my question is people who have tried finpecia, is there anyway we can tell if it really is the same stuff as propecia? if i can get that as a sub for propecia, then y in the world wud i go for stupid proscar and all that cutting and sh*t.

Sensible responses only plz.