Proscar 1/4 Tablet (5mg) Question And minoxidil


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So I recently started taking a 1/4 of a 5mg as prescribed by my doctor. I can't believe how small this ends up being. I cut the 5mg. pill into 4 small pie sections as I don't see how cutting it any smaller would work. I have had zero side effects (been around a month or so), and can't tell if anythings happening. Although it seems it can take a while.

One thing is, I want to make sure that cutting the pill in half, then half again is the correct way to do this. Like I mentioned before I end up with 4 VERY small pieces.

I also don't do minoxidil. I tried it before and thought it was sort of a hassle. Is it necessary?


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I don’t like minodixil. Why? Expensive, hassle, dry scalp. From my pov if you let a good six months for finasteride too work minodixil will only make your hair grow faster, finasteride is a simple and great remedy for fighting androgenic alopecia. Is has done wonders for me just leave it time, I have the same regiment as you 1.25mg. Been on for 6+months don’t worry if one half is smaller than the other dht will be suppressed anyway it builds up in your system, don’t freak out if you miss a day it won’t do nothing, just be steady and patient. It works wonders if you haven’t been balding for 5+ years, if it’s a kind of new condition it will reborn your hair, but if your hair follicles shrinked ans fell out for some years now it might just stop progression. My only side effect light headed when I get up quick low libido for the first month, now better then it was before because it raises T levels on the long run. Different for everybody. I give it a 9/10