propecia year 2


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I'm in exactly the same position as you my friend- hit the 1 year mark in January and now into my 14th Month. Progress is fairly stable from day 1, I wouldn't say I was bowled over by my results so I was debating giving the finasteride up. However, what I've bought since my 3rd month is the generic stuff, so I'm going to buy some of the official merck stuff - well the proscar and cut it up into 4 pieces anyway- in the next couple of weeks and try that for the rest of the year and hope that that makes a difference.


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Smello, Yankee thats pretty funny that we both responded to each others post. I think Im gonna add minoxidil soon, i plan on going to see a hair Doctor next week and get his opinion, on potential results of minoxidil and see if he thinks propecia is working. I am a teacher, so my plan is to start minoxidil in june b4 summer vacation and hope that by september the shed has stopped. The shed now is the only thing keeping me of Rogaine...still very worried about it.

fluffygood luck with everything we should all keep eachother posted of our process since were all in the same boat? What are you thoughts on minoxidil?


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Ya, I'm fighting with the do or don't minoxidil issue myself. I too am extremely concerned with the shed. My seasonal concerns are opposite from you. I live on a lake and socialize a lot in the summer so the last thing I want is a shed smack dab in the middle of swim season.

I will be interested in what your Doctor has to say. I've had a hard time finding a Doctor that even gives a sh!t about my concerns. I also will be interested in following your minoxidil results should you start. I'm thinking I will hold out until September (16 months on finasteride). If no improvement I may give the foam a shot. Figured I would start on just the crown to see how I respond.

Good luck and keep us posted.


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Yes, I do think your crazy and so do "MANY "others! I came here to get away from neurotics like you.

Please stay clear of my posts and topics and I will the same with you!

Your advice is not welcome by me.


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That is encouraging thanks yankee. Im gonna try to go to dr alan feller by the way hes located right by me, apparently hes one of the top hair docs in the us so ill def let you know what he says.

Also I agree with the Irishpride comments that guy is all over the place, i just choose to ignore hime.


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Hey guys am just in the same boat, one year mark already passed 10 days ago. no progress, excessive hair shedding and frontal receeding continues, let's wait and see, all of you please do report in the coming few months. Thanks


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heynow1234 said:
fluffygood luck with everything we should all keep eachother posted of our process since were all in the same boat? What are you thoughts on minoxidil?

Hi Yankee, I'm pretty okay with minoxidil to be honest. I had to stop using the liquid as it was too greasy to keep on and plus it made my scalp itchy and pretty 'raw'. I've been on the foam for around 5 months now and the itching has gone, it dries quickly etc - it's just the cost and use of it meaning it's costing me more to be honest, but let's see.


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Hey yankee, sorry nope nothing. I got bogged down with an *** load of work in grad school and had not time to make an appointment and or go. Hopefully in the next two weeks. When i go I will def let you know what happens. However ive pretty much made up my mind and will start rogain soon