Propecia with alcohol and time of day.


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So I've given propecia 2 attempts. In the morning I would do 1mg. Both attempts lasted around 6 months. No real bad sides other than I always felt sort of tired when I was on it. Around 3 or 4pm, I definitely felt the most tired then would just kind of drag through the rest of the night. I don't know if I can attribute it directly to the propecia, but now that I'm not on it, I feel a little more awake than I was when I was on it.

Now to my question, I would like to try propecia again because from what I can tell, it helped in slowing my hair loss when I was on it. I already have a script filled but was thinking about taking it at night this time opposed to my usual morning so I can hopefully sleep through the time I get kind of groggy. I also occasionally like to booze a bit on the weekends and was wondering if this would have any adverse effects on the pill from working or any really bad effect on my body (liver explosion) , more so than just from the alcohol itself. I would most likely be taking the pill around 7 or 8 at night, which is normally the time I'd be getting ready to go out and have a couple.

Thanks in advance.