Propecia website not available??????


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I want to get a prescription from Propecia but their website says Thank you for visiting This Web site is not currently available. They provide information on the drug, but do not have a form for the Doctor to give me a prescription...or do I need one? How can I get Propecia prescribed?


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I think there is a pending lawsuit against Merch regarding propecia.


New Member
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Great...another reason not to take the drug...and I really want to take the risk. I'm taking generic finasteride at the moment, but thought maybe propecia is better.


Senior Member
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irishpride86 said: is now up! Check it out!
Thanks for that

This looks new/reworded

In general use, the following have been reported: breast tenderness and enlargement; depression; allergic reactions including rash, itching, hives, and swelling of the lips and face; problems with ejaculation; testicular pain; difficulty in achieving an erection that continued after stopping the medication; and, in rare cases, male breast cancer. You should promptly report to your doctor any changes in your breasts such as lumps, pain, or nipple discharge. Tell your doctor promptly about these or any other unusual side effects.

PROPECIA can affect a blood test called PSA (prostate-specific antigen) for the screening of prostate cancer. If you have a PSA test done, tell your doctor that you are taking PROPECIA because PROPECIA decreases PSA levels; also tell your doctor if you have not been taking PROPECIA as prescribed because this may affect PSA test results. Any changes in PSA test results while taking PROPECIA will need to be carefully evaluated by your doctor.
You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit, or call 1-800-FDA-1088.