Propecia Sides Numbness, Help And Advice Needed


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Hi guys,

I'm looking for help, I took Propecia 1.25 for four days with a little ball ache on the fourth, woke up with total numbness on the fifth, that will be three weeks ago this Wednesday and I still have the numbness, it hasn't shifted, I immediately dropped the pills on the morning I got the numbness but I'm terrified now that it hasn't gone away.

I haven't seen any cases of someone shifting the numbness, I just can't feel down below only when I pinch hard, tried to have sex this morning and failed couldnt stay up, I threw up, my anxiety is out of control, I have never had that happen before. I don't know what to do it's just not going away and starting to lose my mind, I can't believe this has happened and had confidence in the drug before I took it, how silly was I. I must admit I've turned to drinking a bit to control my anxiety but that's just making numbness worse so stopping that now.

Any advice guys would be greatly appreciated



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Thanks very much for the reply Swoop, have you seen this side subside before? In hindsight I wasn't in best physical shape when I started so I shouldn't have even considered it.

Thanks again


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I'd come off it. Try lowering your dose very slowly to maximise the prospect of your body recovering. To @jimmyjonas , how can you say he'll be fine? I took it for 4 weeks and 4 years later I still have problems.


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Things are very slowly improving, I'm still a long way off but the weird empty feeling down below is starting to improve like I'm feeling more connected but still not near right I can feel a jump from a pinch now. Guys please be careful with this drug, amazing how a legal prescription can do this, few illegal hardcore drugs would persist this long, the Doctor who prescribed this said he believed Side Effects were nocebo effect, he hadn't a clue totally ignorant of the real risk that it poses, please give it serious consideration, I feel for the young guys in their twenties losing their sex life over it and not being fully briefed on the damage it does, it has very real very cruel effects which can turn your world upside down. I could not give a sh*t about my hair now after going through this, I pray for the return of my health, that's all that matters, scariest month of my life.