Propecia Side Effects Explained In Detail! Please Read!


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This is a lengthy read but I really think it is important to read for those curious about the sides of propecia. This is my personal experience on the drug. So I’m about 1 year on finasteride. I have payed very close attention to how lowered DHT levels effect you both physically and mentally. When you are on finasteride, your DHT levels drop to about 20% of what they normally are, while your testosterone levels increase by 20%. Sometimes I am not consistent with my doses and forget to take my pill for about 3 days or so. During that time my DHT levels normalize and my test goes down (as more is converted to DHT). Therefore I have been able to compare and contrast the two hormones based off of my personal experiences. With regards to sex, testosterone appears to provide you the physical aspects such as an erection and orgasm. DHT on the other hand appears to effect the mental side of sex, that “grrrrr” feeling of “omg I wanna f*** the s*** out of this person”. Like that alpha feeling of having hard sex. When consistently taking the pill I am able to become erect, perform, and orgasm, but it feels relatively bland and uninspired. Like I’m just satisfying a basic need. However, when I consistently miss doses for a couple days, and my DHT is higher, the sex seems more passionate and intense, mentally. Like all booty smacking and dirty talking during the act is awoken and that seems to be the effect of DHT moreso than testosterone. Now here are the general mood effects I have noticed. When on consistently on the pill, I feel relative apathy, not severe and not full blown depression, but more so “i don’t care so much” about things that I used to. Like I get cut off in traffic and I’m like “meh, oh well”. Testosterone by itself seems to just give you a general sense of complacency like satisfaction, and feeling “chill”. DHt on the other hand appears to add the spice and “drive” to your day. That feeling of “I want to accomplish things today” or “rule the world”. It seems to be the real hormone of competitiveness and confidence, not testosterone as a lot of people may think. DHT seems to be the hormone that drives you to be your best self, mentally. Testosterone seems to give you the sense of General well being that helps prevents depression and anxiety. DHT also appears to have an effect on mental alertness and “being on the ball” feeling mentally “sharp”. These are the effects I have noticed. Really helps this gives insight for anybody who’s curious.


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I think I had the same experience, but at the time I didn't know how to put it to words.
You did it really well, so thanks.


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Your description of the two hormones is off. Test is largely anabolic, however it is also androgenic - roughly 1/5th of that of DHT. DHT is purely androgenic and is not anabolic and gets de-activated in skeletal tissue anyway. Whilst taking finasteride your DHT drops by about 60-70% leaving you with a much lesser androgenic profile regardless of the fact you get a small T increase. It is because of this fall in androgenic profile that you don't feel as turned on (depending on the person), more tired etc..
As for the things like lack of emotion it is likely more due to the drop in neurosteroids that are produced through 5ar.


Experienced Member
My Regimen
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This is a lengthy read but I really think it is important to read for those curious about the sides of propecia. This is my personal experience on the drug. So I’m about 1 year on finasteride. I have payed very close attention to how lowered DHT levels effect you both physically and mentally. When you are on finasteride, your DHT levels drop to about 20% of what they normally are, while your testosterone levels increase by 20%. Sometimes I am not consistent with my doses and forget to take my pill for about 3 days or so. During that time my DHT levels normalize and my test goes down (as more is converted to DHT). Therefore I have been able to compare and contrast the two hormones based off of my personal experiences. With regards to sex, testosterone appears to provide you the physical aspects such as an erection and orgasm. DHT on the other hand appears to effect the mental side of sex, that “grrrrr” feeling of “omg I wanna f*** the s*** out of this person”. Like that alpha feeling of having hard sex. When consistently taking the pill I am able to become erect, perform, and orgasm, but it feels relatively bland and uninspired. Like I’m just satisfying a basic need. However, when I consistently miss doses for a couple days, and my DHT is higher, the sex seems more passionate and intense, mentally. Like all booty smacking and dirty talking during the act is awoken and that seems to be the effect of DHT moreso than testosterone. Now here are the general mood effects I have noticed. When on consistently on the pill, I feel relative apathy, not severe and not full blown depression, but more so “i don’t care so much” about things that I used to. Like I get cut off in traffic and I’m like “meh, oh well”. Testosterone by itself seems to just give you a general sense of complacency like satisfaction, and feeling “chill”. DHt on the other hand appears to add the spice and “drive” to your day. That feeling of “I want to accomplish things today” or “rule the world”. It seems to be the real hormone of competitiveness and confidence, not testosterone as a lot of people may think. DHT seems to be the hormone that drives you to be your best self, mentally. Testosterone seems to give you the sense of General well being that helps prevents depression and anxiety. DHT also appears to have an effect on mental alertness and “being on the ball” feeling mentally “sharp”. These are the effects I have noticed. Really helps this gives insight for anybody who’s curious.
I don't know that is an accurate description of what and how hormones do but I think it's a very interesting take on how you feel. I am nit taking Fina but most of people taking it seem to state that both results and sides come on at a very slow pace so would it be possible to have/observe such swings after only 2-3 days of not taking it?