Propecia + safety critical work

The Dangerman

Established Member
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Hi guys, newbie here. I work on the UK railways and as such my job is deamed "safety critical" which means all drugs need to be declared before taking. Its generally pain-killing ones that are the problem, obviously becuase they can make you drowsy etc. Its just a long shot but thought I'd see if anyone had an issues with work drug-screening whilst taking Propecia, or indeed any of the other drugs that its possible to take for male pattern baldness?

No point in going down this road if its likely to be a problem so thought I'd check first!



Experienced Member
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don't bother. 1mg of finasteride a day is nothing.


Established Member
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Woah there buddy your not answering his question,

The Dangerman said:
Its just a long shot but thought I'd see if anyone had an issues with work drug-screening whilst taking Propecia, or indeed any of the other drugs that its possible to take for male pattern baldness?

No point in going down this road if its likely to be a problem so thought I'd check first!


If your job is "saftey critical" and peoples lives are at risk or you could face consequences for lying about taking drugs, dont listen to someone who says:

The Dangerman said:
don't bother. 1mg of finasteride a day is nothing.

Obviously the worst case scenario is extremely unlikely to happen, listen to replys from people who can answer the question you asked:
"Has anyone had an issues with work drug-screening whilst taking Propecia"

If you don't get a conclusive answer here, ask your doctor

The Dangerman

Established Member
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Yeah I have made a docs appointment to discuss this next week and will report it before taking, just in case. Just wondered if anyone had come across this before. Not to worry!

Thanks a lot.