Propecia, Proascar, Finasterine [Newbie]


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G k said:
I know what I've read, and I know what I've experienced myself. I'll inform whoever the hell I want. Get lost!

You are not informing anybody, you are misinforming them. The problem is that you are presenting your information as fact, when the links you posted are very inconclusive, and fall short of what is considered proof. Not to mention you are adding side-effects like "brain fog" when those sources don't even mention it.

G k

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timbo said:
G k said:
I know what I've read, and I know what I've experienced myself. I'll inform whoever the hell I want. Get lost!

You are not informing anybody, you are misinforming them. The problem is that you are presenting your information as fact, when the links you posted are very inconclusive, and fall short of what is considered proof. Not to mention you are adding side-effects like "brain fog" when those sources don't even mention it.

Did I say I had a study for brain fog? NO I didn't. Although if you were interested enough as you seem to be you could probably find one. I think I saw a thread on this site about a study showing how finasteride causes brain fog. Why don't u go find it for yourself.

This is a forum, I am sharing my personal experiences with this drug. Why don't you go bug someone else.


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In fairness, you did say that there was a study that found permanent sides, which are 'not restricted to sexual sides, include brain fog etc'. I asked you what that study was and you posted two links which weren't really what you were talking about..I'll look up a bit about androgen deprivation later. I'm not sure if I'm one of the 'lucky ones' yet. I seem to have avoided the two scariest sounding side effects so far i.e. ED and 'Brain Fog', but I've had watery semen, which is a bit strange..oh well, at least it means the generics are almost definitely legit..I've only been on the stuff for about 9 days though and take a half dose per day.
Glad to hear you're feeling better after 2 weeks.


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G k said:
Did I say I had a study for brain fog? NO I didn't.

G k said:
And yes there was a study that found that there is a chance of PERMANENT sides. That is not only restricted to sexual sides, but the brain fog etc...

It seems pretty clear to me what you said... Is the "brain fog" making you forget???

G k said:
Some people even stop losing there hair permanently coupled with the other permenent sides.

I have no idea where you got this from, but it's just plain silly.

G k said:
Although if you were interested enough as you seem to be you could probably find one. I think I saw a thread on this site about a study showing how finasteride causes brain fog. Why don't u go find it for yourself.

That's the point, there are no clinical trials or medical studies that point to "brain fog." I'm not saying that it doesn't exist, I am just trying to prove that you're an idiot so people don't listen to your nonsense.

G k said:
This is a forum, I am sharing my personal experiences with this drug. Why don't you go bug someone else.

Why don't you just share your personal experiences then, and leave the facts for people who know how to read?

G k

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timbo said:
G k said:
Did I say I had a study for brain fog? NO I didn't.

[quote="G k":16pd9i11]And yes there was a study that found that there is a chance of PERMANENT sides. That is not only restricted to sexual sides, but the brain fog etc...

It seems pretty clear to me what you said... Is the "brain fog" making you forget???

G k said:
Some people even stop losing there hair permanently coupled with the other permenent sides.

I have no idea where you got this from, but it's just plain silly.

G k said:
Although if you were interested enough as you seem to be you could probably find one. I think I saw a thread on this site about a study showing how finasteride causes brain fog. Why don't u go find it for yourself.

That's the point, there are no clinical trials or medical studies that point to "brain fog." I'm not saying that it doesn't exist, I am just trying to prove that you're an idiot so people don't listen to your nonsense.

G k said:
This is a forum, I am sharing my personal experiences with this drug. Why don't you go bug someone else.

Why don't you just share your personal experiences then, and leave the facts for people who know how to read?[/quote:16pd9i11]

There are MANY studies that point to all of these. Mind you most are on rats and mice, but the overwhelming reports from people corroborate this. Go visit propeciahelp, or do a google search. I'm not here to prove anything to you. I know the studies are out there and what I and many others have gone through. Your main interest is being right and belittling me. I hope treating me like a punching bag brightens up your day!


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I agree with these other people G k; while I appreciate a reply to my questions, the fear mongering is not helping me; you are being biased in stating your experience as facts (claiming a casual link between the drug and your problems), and without backing it up whatsoever (with medical studies). I have yet to see you post any valid source (study) in this thread yet...

G k

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Guth said:
I agree with these other people G k; while I appreciate a reply to my questions, the fear mongering is not helping me; you are being biased in stating your experience as facts (claiming a casual link between the drug and your problems), and without backing it up whatsoever (with medical studies). I have yet to see you post any valid source (study) in this thread yet...

Well, you can call it what you want...but the point is you asked a loaded question. Im not about to start posting all sorts of studies. They are out there: ... 28f55f700e

What is the difference between fear mongering and a heads up?

Propecia is a very powerful tool for hair loss, and if you can take it without developping sides then that is great. I envy those who can and hope I can tolerate it in a couple weeks when I try it again as well. I feel like I've almost completely recovered after about 2 weeks. This drug is no joke and you surely asked about it. All the sides reported are directly synonymous to androgen deprivation, so its hard to think its a coincidence. I'm not really trying to convince you of anything, and I wish you success while on it. But atleast you know if your dick goes numb and you grow tits, its not just in your head.


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I don't understand a lot of this, You take 1mg of Propecia for hair related problems. People who take it for the prostate problems take 5mg of the same drug. Are they all suffering in a big way? Not rhetorical question, I just don't know.

Flip side of this, the people who take the 5mg dose for prostate problems don't seem to be growing hair, I'm aware of a few people, friends of parents who have had this problem and they are not sprouting hair where they once had it. Does the higher dose have a reverse effect on the hair?

G k

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Esprit said:
I don't understand a lot of this, You take 1mg of Propecia for hair related problems. People who take it for the prostate problems take 5mg of the same drug. Are they all suffering in a big way? Not rhetorical question, I just don't know.

Flip side of this, the people who take the 5mg dose for prostate problems don't seem to be growing hair, I'm aware of a few people, friends of parents who have had this problem and they are not sprouting hair where they once had it. Does the higher dose have a reverse effect on the hair?

Must be a coincidence. Proscar and finasteride and are the drug. Also 1 mg has been shown to inhibit nearly the same ammount of DHT as 5mg.


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Sorry, which one do you mean is the coincidence?
And what do you mean by Proscar and finasteride and are the drug.

Propecia/finasteride/Proscar are all the same yes, but different brand name?
Is one better made than the other?

G k

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Esprit said:
Sorry, which one do you mean is the coincidence?
And what do you mean by Proscar and finasteride and are the drug.

Propecia/finasteride/Proscar are all the same yes, but different brand name?
Is one better made than the other?

I meant the men you know on proscar for prostate problems...It is likely a coincidence they are not growing hair, or perhaps its not noticeable(stabilized loss)

Sorry for the typo. I meant they are the same drug. There is no discernable difference between the 2 other than the dosage per pill. Proscar is a 5mg pill, finasteride is a 1mg pill.


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Thanks for clearing it up. I know you've had bad experiences on this but are you missing the effects, the good ones that is?

G k

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Esprit said:
Thanks for clearing it up. I know you've had bad experiences on this but are you missing the effects, the good ones that is?

You mean growing hair? I grew all of my hair back. 10 years of hair loss.