Propecia or Proscar?


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Ive been on propecia for 2 months, i initially bought a 3 month supply, cost me 240 euro :freaked2:
I hear loads of people talking about proscar here and how much cheaper it is. Now i dont want to cut corners on fighting the hair loss, what i need to know is

a) will switching from propecia to proscar have any negative effect?
b) is proscar as effective as propecia, does it contain the exact same ingredients etc?



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It's the EXACT same drug Finasteride. The only difference is that Proscar is a 5mg pill and Propecia is a 1mg Pill. You'll need to cut the proscar pill into 4ths or 5ths. 4ths is easy 5ths is a bit tricky.


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so its the exact same drug only labelled differently and a smaller size, i believe you but are there any scientific studies/experiments showing its the same drug?
Im just worried, dont want to screw things up after going for 2 months/.


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macquas2 said:
so its the exact same drug only labelled differently and a smaller size, i believe you but are there any scientific studies/experiments showing its the same drug?
That's like asking if there are any scientific studies to show that a chevy and a buick are both made by GM.

Both propecia and proscar contain the exact same drug, finasteride. Who's going to do a scientific study, and get it published, to prove that finasteride is the same thing as finasteride?


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macquas2 said:
so its the exact same drug only labelled differently and a smaller size, i believe you but are there any scientific studies/experiments showing its the same drug?
Im just worried, dont want to screw things up after going for 2 months/.

You may be thinking a little too hard on this one :D
There's no need for a study. It's the same drug distributed by the same company. The only difference is dosage amounts.
It's like Naporxen and Aleve. It's the same drug/different dosage.

Proscar came out a long time ago to treat BPH. They found that one of the side effects of the drug was hair regrowth. So they conducted clinical trials to determine the most effective dose to combat hair loss and you end up with Propecia.


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As far as i know, there are no problems for people that change from propecia to proscar. Many people have done it and are doing well. Also cutting proscar into 5ths is not hard at all.

I suggest you talk to a dermatologist and talk to them about making the switch remeber they are the experts