Propecia not working anymore?! HELP!

five o

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I started propecia around Sept. Initially, it was awesome. I thickened my hair out and grew my hairline back to where it used to be in about 1-2months. My hairloss days were gone...or so I thought.

About a 1.5 months ago my hair started falling out again. However, it wasn't the male pattern baldness that I had before. Before my hair had just thinned out in certain spots around the temples which thickened out after about a month or so. This time my hairline is receding into a severe widows peak. My hair is still thick, however my front hairline is thinning at a very fast pace. It appears to only be receding and thinning severely on my left side, which is weird because that used to be the stronger side of my hairline. I went from a straight across hairline to a severe V in about a matter of 1.5months.

This all started during the one week that I was dosing Jungle Warfare (a very mild hormonal bodybuilding supplement) for 4 caps a day instead of the suggested 3 and has not stopped since then. I've been off of JW for a month now and the hairloss continues at a rapid pace. I just bought spironolactone, nizoral, and an azaleic acid/minoxidil combo to hopefully stop the hair loss.

My question is, does anybody have ANY idea as to why propecia would have worked perfectly in the beginning and now doesn't seem to be working at all??

I also notice that the hairloss appears to just be in the areas where the minoxidil was applied for the past few months...

I went to my Doctor today and he did not have any idea either. He just gave me a number for a hair transplant specialist.


youve been on it 4 MONTHS. 120 days. Maybe not even. They say give it a year. You're only one third of the way there
just chill out.

and theres no way propecia thickened your hair after only one month

five o

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Where i was thinning, my hair thickened out. I have pictures to prove it if you really don't believe me.


New Member
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absolutely bs!

finasteride cant grow back your complete Hairline within 4 Months or even before!

You may feel results after 3 months, but your hair cant be thickener overall!

If you wanna prove go ahead!


agreed. this is as ridiculous as the guys who claim terrible sides after one dose.


Experienced Member
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ok lets say it did do this for him for some reason.
You say you are alsow taking some body building drugs... the hairloss can then come from high T levels and propecia/finasteride cant do anything with that propecia actualy gives u 10% higher T in most cases.
Get a blood test and chech testosterone levels, if its way to high you have to get it down.
And a good dr would know how to get the T levels down.

Good luck.