Propecia infomation



I may be thinking about going onto propecia in a couple months if things dont start to get better. I was just wondering if you guys could give me a bit of info on the cost and prescription? if i went to the Doctor about my hairloss would he give me a prescription for propecia? and recently i phoned up the belgravia centre in london and they told me that it would cost 1000 pounds a year to pay for this!? yet i've seen some guys on here talking about prescriptions and propecia that only cost about 28 a month? im really confused here. If anyone could let me know any infomation about this it would be a great help.
which out of the two would be the best to start with? minoxidil or propecia? i wouldnt want to do the two straight away because im sure it would cause a massive shed, with summer and stuff here i dont really need that. once again any info would be appreciated guys.


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Belgravia Centre charge a fortune..

Step1: You can cut the cost down by half by using an online retailer. I got mine at because it seemed like a trustworthy site. Items got here the next day. They'll do an online diagnosis/prescription.

Step2: You can cut the cust down by half AGAIN by going with Proscar instead of Propecia (same ingredient, but you'll have to cut the pill up in smaller pieces).

Step3: Get non-brandname propecia/proscar (not made by Merck). This will decrease the cost further.

For my first 6 months I've gone with Step1 (real propecia online), but I'll probably move to Proscar once I'm happy that it's working.

Good Luck!


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Well...Belgravia would ofcourse tell you that it's expensive and the £1000 is if you buy the real propecia from Merck at the most expensive price you can find. However, you'll find that 99% of the guys on here (me included) buy so called generic propecia. It's the same drug (active ingredient is Finasteride) just made by someone else. The manufactures are usually indian pharmaseutical companies. You can also buy a drug calle Proscar which has the same ingredient as propecia but 5 times more (5mg). Some people buy this and cut in in 4 (1.25mg) with a pill cutter. It's excactly the same drug.

There are a number of generic drugs available.

Here's some sites that are reputable: 90 tablets (3 months supply) generic propecia Finpecia is $98.99 (£50 GBP) 90 tables of generic propecia Finpecia is $55 (£25 GPB)

There's loads of other sites as well. Do a serch on this forum....

I bought from drugs-one (found that before United Pharmacies) and I pop 1/2 pill everyday (research has it that 0.5mg is almost as effective as 1mg). So 90 tables will last me about 6 months. If you were to take the 1mg pill and bought it from unitedpharmacies you'd be paying a whoopping $220 (£130 GBP) a year. That's quite far from the £1000 Belgravia told you.

You won't need a prescription either. Your doctor will most likely give you a prescription if you ask for it. The price in Boots for 1 months supply of Propecia (the real one by Merck) is about £45. That's £550 a year. Even that is half of what Belgravia told you. It looks like Belgravia is telling you it costs about £80 per month. A big lie.


Thanks guys for the replies. I'm a bit weary of buying drugs online so i'll go for the boots precription from my doctor. I can't believe how dishonest the belgravia centre is. They also tried to get me to pay another 1000 GBP for a 15%minoxidil solution? when rogaine and other minoxidil solutions are so much more cheaper.


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Hi Baldie.

You say you half your Propecia 1mg pill daily. I'm waiting for my first batch of finasteride propecia to arrive and am curious to know how long you've been taken finasteride and when did you reduce your daily dose.
If 0.5mg daily intake is as effective as 1mg it would be a great money saver. What I'm trying to find out is did you wait to see how you reacted to finasteride first and then reduced your daily intake or did you just decide initially to got straight for 0.5mg of finasteride a day.
Also I ordered from Drugsone and am still waiting 3 weeks later. Do you find them reputable?



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PJ said:
Hi Baldie.

You say you half your Propecia 1mg pill daily. I'm waiting for my first batch of finasteride propecia to arrive and am curious to know how long you've been taken finasteride and when did you reduce your daily dose.
If 0.5mg daily intake is as effective as 1mg it would be a great money saver. What I'm trying to find out is did you wait to see how you reacted to finasteride first and then reduced your daily intake or did you just decide initially to got straight for 0.5mg of finasteride a day.
Also I ordered from Drugsone and am still waiting 3 weeks later. Do you find them reputable?


I did 2 days of 1.25mg, then switched to .625 since then. I prefer the lower dosage, and when I recently tried a 1.25 cause I did a bad cut I actually felt a loss in libido.

See my Sig (and read the faq too).


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I started on finasteride just a week ago....And I started straight onto 0.5mg. I've read a lot about reduced intake of finasteride and that it works almost as well as taking the whole 1mg (i read a study where 0.5mg was 83% as effective as the 1mg). I've been using minoxidil for the last 4 months as well with great results. Not sure how quick these side effects from propecia are supposed to start but so far i've had none, zip zilch, nada.

I got my shipment from drugsone after 24 days. Apparently they had some problems getting shipments out. But yes, I think they are reputable. Although people looking at the envelope might think you're up to something dodgy :p. It's a brown padded envelope with your name and address handwritten on a white label stuck on the envelope. Mine got sent from somewhere in india (which makes sense since that's where Cipla make them). The envelope looked like it's been bashed about a fair few times (after 3 1/2 weeks travel). But the strips look perfectly fine with all the usual batch numbers, expiry date (stamped) and so forth. THe only thing that struck me was that there was no box with it, you just got the actual strips. no letter inside either. But hey, i knew what it was :p

Also, if you are hiding the tablets from people, that brown looking envelope is more likely to cause curiosity from your fellow housemates/partner/family than a UK envelope with "PROPECIA" written on it. He-he