Propecia in UK


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Where can i find a reliable pharmacy that sells generic propecia/dutesteride in the UK? Where do all u UK'ers buy ur Propecia from??


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Im on the Boots Hair Retention Scheme, costs £30 a month for the propecia from them and I know I could get it cheaper but they help me record my progress aswell, also just about to hit 6 month mark, im seeing the benefits, not massive but heading in the right direction, no sides either.

Best of luck!


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mens rea why dont u recommend finasteride? Unless ur going to tell me about the sides..

brett can u tell me more about this scheme? So they give u propecia and track ur progress for 30 a month? And how have ur results been on propecia? Whats ur Norwood stage? Any advice?


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You call your local branch (check they do it first in that branch) simply go and see the phamarcist there, he will check and make certain you are balding etc, as its a prescription drug, if you get the go ahead they take photos for baseline pictures, and they let your doctor know aswell, then you pay and they give your tablets, get the 3 monthly amount though as it works out cheaper (£90 for 3 months or £45 for single months)

This is all done in a little private consulting room so not in view of the public.


With regards to me im quite early on the process but it still killed me when ive finally accepted it, paranoia kicked, felt like crap etc etc but now 6 months later crown has improved, fact! Was very early thinning so not surprised as I caught it early, but its more the front for me, temples thinned out and you could see a NW3 forming with a thakfully strong windows peak, now thinning is still there in the temples but it has thickened because I still style my hair the same, spiked to one side, and you could see through the temples, but now its alot harder, I doubt I have any regrowth but its about the maintenance for me!

But actually the most important thing for me is the way i am now, im relaxed, i dont worry anymore, still have the odd bad day like all humans, its just nice to take a litte control knowing your trying to do something to fight it, when i first noticed it, i conviced myself hair was falling out in droves! Overall very happy man.

Hope this helps.


PS. Although im happy if everything stayed the same based on reports I could still be due some more results as im only 6 months in, the 12month mark is meant to be towards peak! Thats another tip, keep your expectations low then your less likely to be disspointed, just think maintinence and be happy fella.


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thanks alot bret, good advice, last q what medication were u put on? Just propecia or minoxidil as well?


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No problem!

Just propecia for two reasons!

1. Im lazy, and i know for a fact although I may be good in start I just wouldn't be able to keep applying minoxidil to my hair twice a day, I just pop a propecia pill in the morning as soon as I wake, thats me done for the day :)

2. I think you should never start with both at the beginning as you would never truly know which medication is helping so I doubt you would be able to stop either, I say try propecia for a full year and see how you feel then, your be in a much better position to judge!

Ironically i could start and it may do wonders for my temples, but I know as soon as I get the laziness kick in, then I will have to watch any minoxidil powered hairs fall out and I dont really dig that idea, propecia is proving enough for me.

Hope this helps, anymore questions let me know.


Mens Rea

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mothernature said:
mens rea why dont u recommend finasteride? Unless ur going to tell me about the sides..

Well not only didn't it work for me but it fucked me and a good handful of users on here up sexually. I don't know why but there is so many UK users complaining of persistent sides on propeciahelp too.

I just don't want to be seen advocating a drug that has did so much damage to people hence my disclaimer.