propecia finally kickin in!!!!



well, i've told everyone my story. been on big 3 for 6 months....only use minoxidil on my temples and i've had some success there. i believe the finasteride is finally kickin in around the rest of my crown. last night my girlfriend commented on how thick my hair felt, i didn't really think anything off it. anyways, this morning i used 2 mirrors to check out my crown and the back of my head and there are light blonde hairs everywhere. i am really excited about this as i was worried i would have to use minoxidil for the crown too. i am gonna take the advice of some people on the board and dye my hair my natural color with a chemical free henna dye to get those blonde hairs brown. i'll post some pics with the results. keep up the fight, patience is the key.


Thats really good to hear! I too am waiting for finasteride to kick in but i am only at the 1.5 month mark so i have a while to go. As for your temples and minoxidil... I was wondering where your temples pretty much bare when you started. And how would you say it looks now? I want to get my freakin hairline like Ross from "Friends"!


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i wish my problem was my temples but its my crown....i would rather look like jude law then have a big hole in my


my left temple was thinning and my right was pretty bare, less than 15 hairs. much worse than the left. my left temple is now completely filled and my right is about half way there. there are tons of little blonde hairs on the right that are slowly getting some color like the ones on the left did.


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keep it up man...and if those blondes are a big deal do get some of the henna says it works great for him.