Propecia doseage based on body weight????


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well i've been on finasteride for only two days now, and despite what some may say i have already seen my hairloss dramatically improve. When I showered today it was unbelivable because only about 4 or 5 strands of hair came out unlike the usual 20-50. anyway, with that said there have also been sides that have shown up too. this morning while there this morning wood, it wasn't a strong, and after masturbating today i defintely can see that my semen is more liquid and watery while semen seems to be down. i also have experience increase in body temperature after im done eatting something warm, i start sweating, this has never happened to me. also broke out in some sort of allergic rash after eatting my chicken dinner tonight although i have no clue whether it was the sauce or something else. anyway, is there anything to suggest that 1mg of finasteride a day may be too high a dose for someone like me. I mean I'm a very healthy active young guy, 21 and i play soccer for my college etc, but i'm only like 155lbs. so i think that 1mg of finasteride may be way too high. as of now i'm going to stop the finasteride and just stick with using rogaine foam.


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listen you assholes can laugh all you want, but i know what's going on with my body you aren't me nor am i you. i don't need to prove to anyone or to vent about anything i just was trying to ask a relevant question. good thing to know that if i do decide to stay with finasteride or find something to stop my hairloss i will stll have 100% coverage and nice set of hair, while at the end of the day you two will still be bald ugly assholes.

hair today gone tomorrow

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I have a full head of one even knows im balding except my a matter of fact I went to a doctor to get a pre employment physical and he asked me WHY I was on propecia and asked if i was taking it for something other than male pattern


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ithappens said:
When I showered today it was unbelivable because only about 4 or 5 strands of hair came out unlike the usual 20-50. anyway, with that said there have also been sides that have shown up too. this morning while there this morning wood, it wasn't a strong, and after masturbating today i defintely can see that my semen is more liquid and watery while semen seems to be down. i also have experience increase in body temperature after im done eatting something warm, i start sweating, this has never happened to me. also broke out in some sort of allergic rash after eatting my chicken dinner tonight although i have no clue whether it was the sauce or something else. anyway, is there anything to suggest that 1mg of finasteride a day may be too high a dose for someone like me. I mean I'm a very healthy active young guy, 21 and i play soccer for my college etc, but i'm only like 155lbs. so i think that 1mg of finasteride may be way too high. as of now i'm going to stop the finasteride and just stick with using rogaine foam.

Let me break down your post for you.

ithappens said:
well i've been on finasteride for only two days now, and despite what some may say i have already seen my hairloss dramatically improve.

Taking finasteride for 2 days will not dramatically improve your hair. finasteride is something that needs time in your body so it can block DHT. Just like male pattern baldness took 2+ years (assuming) to show up on your head, finasteride also needs time to work. I will add this however. If you feel that finasteride has dramatically improved your hair after 2 days then think that. It is ALWAYS better to feel good about your hair then feel shitty. Being positive about hairloss and taking meds will work out a lot better for you then taking meds and being paranoid or worried, which just brings a negative aura around you.

ithappens said:
this morning while there this morning wood, it wasn't a strong, and after masturbating today i defintely can see that my semen is more liquid and watery while semen seems to be down.

Here, the watery semen COULD be from finasteride but why would you give up finasteride just after a few days? If you think you'll get watery semen then you probably will (placebo effect).

ithappens said:
i also have experience increase in body temperature after im done eatting something warm, i start sweating, this has never happened to me. also broke out in some sort of allergic rash after eatting my chicken dinner tonight although i have no clue whether it was the sauce or something else.

Now this was the funny part. You should really calm down and not worry so much about finasteride. Here, you are trying to find causes to reactions you had and are indirectly saying these were caused by finasteride, which is highly unlikely. When you eat something warm, your body will get warmer :roll: and the rash and chicken dinner was also funny.

I have been on finasteride for 5 days. Do I have sides? Well, I don't think about the sides nor do I think about the finasteride so I don't have sides. I don't have watery semen and some days I have morning wood and some days I don't. But before I started finasteride, I didn't get morning wood everyday nor was my semen always rich. Many sides are in your head because you've heard stories on this board or other boards/internet and so as soon as you pop that pill you start analyzing your body for differences from the norm (something I did the first day I took finasteride).

You have to realize that sides are rare and most doctors will prescribe finasteride without much hesitation. finasteride is a great way to fight MBP. If you don't feel confortable taking 1mg/day try taking 0.5mg/day. You weighing 155lbs and taking 1mg of finasteride is also fine, try not to worry so much. I am no doctor but from the 5months I've been on this board I have read nothing to say 1mg is too much for "x" body weight. I have been splitting my proscar into 5ths (1mg) but starting tomorrow will split it into 4th (1.25mg of finasteride) and I weight 175lbs.

Now, I just have to get over my paranoia of starting minoxidil and just do it, and by paranoia I mean just having ballz to do it and dealing with a shed a month in (although I may not even have a shed...see I do it too).


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hair today gone tomorrow said:
I have a full head of one even knows im balding except my a matter of fact I went to a doctor to get a pre employment physical and he asked me WHY I was on propecia and asked if i was taking it for something other than male pattern

You SOB. And here I am with my diffuse thinning :lol:

hair today gone tomorrow

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AssignmentZero said:
hair today gone tomorrow said:
I have a full head of one even knows im balding except my a matter of fact I went to a doctor to get a pre employment physical and he asked me WHY I was on propecia and asked if i was taking it for something other than male pattern

You SOB. And here I am with my diffuse thinning :lol:

dude i have diffuse thinning also....I have a perfect hairline even micro recession....its still pretty thick though...when its soakin wet its noticeable under bright lights...other than that no one can tell....I have been on propecia for going on 9months now....


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This is to ithappens,

I think you are well out of order calling fellow sufferers bald assholes.
This to me says that your hairloss is in your head espeically saying you notice a diffrence in your hair in just two days.

assignment zero is someone i respect a great deal he has been hit as hard as you can get by hairloss in the last 1 year and still keeps an positive attitude.I can't believe someone with this level of maturity is only 21.

The Dangerman

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AssignmentZero said:
Many sides are in your head because you've heard stories on this board or other boards/internet and so as soon as you pop that pill you start analyzing your body for differences from the norm (something I did the first day I took finasteride).

Indeed, excellent point. Those who are "nervously" on finasteride for want of a better expression will believe any variation in their body or any illness is being caused by the finasteride.


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i'm sorry about jumping down your throats so for that i appologize. let me clear a few things up. first off my hairloss isn't my head (i wish it was), although it isn't as bad to other people than i feel it is. the thing is and i wasn't trying to bash propecia because i feel it is a very effective drug that works very well for many people, maybe even myself. however, i also feel that it without a doubt started to work for me and all after only a couple days, no doubt in my mind, if you disagree with me thats fine i don't need to prove anything to anybody. i am much smaller than an average guy at 5'6-5'7 155lbs so i wouldnt doubt that a smaller dose may be just as effective or at least work and reduce some of the side effects. i haven't really told my story on here yet, but i will later on tonight, but trust while my hairloss may not be at the level of some of you others on here i can relate to all of you and i feel for all you guys.


I'm around the same size and weight as you. You should NOT just eliminate it completely. Remember that 0.25mg is about 90% as effective as 1mg and due to the length of time it takes for the 5AR to regenerate you can also take this every other day (EOD).

If you look at my regimen, this is exactly what I'm doing. 0.25mg EOD. It will slightly reduce the overall effectiveness compared to a higher dosage EOD, same dosage ED, or a higher dosage ED, but I really wanted to get the balance between cost savings, lowest chance of sides, and reduction in DHT. I thought that the finasteride was giving my headaches the first two times I took it. I was trying to forget that I took the pill so I probably just created the headache or it was coincidence. Less than 2% of those get ANY sides during the clinical trials and none were what you experienced.

I think that was the first time I've ever heard anybody say "chicken dinner" :lol: Whynot chicken for dinner, or dinner, or ate some chicken? Sorry, AssignmentZero opened the door on this one and that's what stood out to me, I wouldn't have responded just with "lol" though!


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finasteride should ideally be based on weight. In reality thats not feasible from there point of view. Experiment and find what is good for you. Couldnt you have just said ive had sexual problems or something? I mean its pretty disgusting to hear someone say they are masterbating I mean no one really cares about another man doing that. Sexual problems would have worked better.


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well as for the masturbating thing i mean we all do it, so i i really dont have any shame in using it to describe the details of the sides etc and we're all guys here, well most of us anyway. but anyway thats besides the point, fairtax how has the .25mg every other day dose been working for you?? less sides etc? has it halted the hair loss completely and/or not produced some growth?. I still have 100% coverage and good amount of hair on my head so i'm not as concerned with regrowing, although that would be great, than as maintaining what i have.
also i really do believe that merk should start doing some studies on administiring propecia to patients on different doses based on body weight. i mean im no doctor but i know that propecia is processed by the liver, and like many other drugs from accutane to even alcohol the effect that they have on you has a lot to do with your body weight.


I've only been on it for about 6 weeks. I really won't notice its effectiveness because I wouldn't be able to tell between the topicals and the shampoos what is doing anything, just the regimen as a whole.

Though absolutely no sides which most people experience with even 5mg anyways.

They have somewhat tested this based on body weight. When tested on mice it was equivalent to humans taking up to 100mg of this stuff. In fact I think even some humans took this high of amount without any sides.

Since your size and weight is probably within 1 std. dev. of the overall average "healthy" weight, I'm sure this cannot be an issue. Now if you were 90lbs and anorexic than maybe but they probably had some hobbits in the test anyways.