Propecia Cost


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Im planning on going to visit my dermotologist soon, and i was curious roughly how much a precription of propecia is going to cost me. I just want to see how much everyone out there is paying for this and if there are any alterntavies to find it cheaper. Thank you for your help


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36 english pounds a month. ino its alot, but at the mo i dnt care.


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an alternative is to get a prescription for Proscar (5mg finasteride) and cut it into 4ths... Same drug, same manufacture, different dosage

Also, i believe there is a generic 5mg finasteride in the US now too!


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bubba: what is the generic called and where is it sold in the US. Thanks.

Airforce, a pound is about $2, or maybe 1.6. if you want to know the exact amount just google pound USD conversion.

original poster; did you mean the cost of finasteride or a prescription? some nurses can give prescriptions for propecia, and charge less than a derm would. Is your visit covered by health insurance? Starting a year sooner makes a big difference, so don't wait a month to see a nurse if your derm appointment is tomorrow.


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my health insurance does cover the dermatologist, but i doubt it will cover a prescription for propecia, and i read your blog on myspace, you do recommend the generic brand of rogaine they sell at walmart, does it have the same effects and is it as good as regualr rogaine?


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as long as it's 5% minoxidil as the active ingredient, it wont matter what brand you get, they all have the same effectiveness.

Some brands of minoxidil are different formulas ie Dr. Lee's minoxidil dries faster than the cheap stuff, but there will not be a difference in hair growth results with minoxidil


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as long as it's 5% minoxidil as the active ingredient, it wont matter what brand you get, they all have the same effectiveness.

Some brands of minoxidil are different formulas ie Dr. Lee's minoxidil dries faster than the cheap stuff, but one brand of minoxidil doesn't grow hair better than another brand.


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what tainted-meat said is not correct. the inactive ingredients are even more important than the active ingredients because they determine how much is absorbed and how fast and how much irritation there is and if any hair does not like the inactive ingredients. however, if you read the ingredients of rogaine and equate minoxidil at walmart, you will see that the exact percentages of everything are listed on the box, and the two are identical in every way. 2% is not the same as 5%, though.

yes, the generic gives the same results.


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Airforce1 said:
36 pounds a month what does that relate to us dollars?

68 dollars.


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My Regimen
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what tainted-meat said is not correct. the inactive ingredients are even more important than the active ingredients because they determine how much is absorbed and how fast and how much irritation there is and if any hair does not like the inactive ingredients. however, if you read the ingredients of rogaine and equate minoxidil at walmart, you will see that the exact percentages of everything are listed on the box, and the two are identical in every way. 2% is not the same as 5%, though.

yes, the generic gives the same results.
the googled every inactive ingredient found in propecia and all of them do nothing as absorption enhancer except act as colouring, coating or filler agents