Propecia and Monthly Doctor Check Ups - What the Hell!?!

The Traveler

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For those of you on Propecia (or Proscar), I'd like your opinion.

I'm currently on Propecia and my doctor has told me that she'd like to see me once a month for check-up/potential blood tests, etc. while I'm on Propecia. Have your doctors asked the same from you? This seems like a serious pain in the *** thing to do on a monthly basis.

Let me know. Thanks.


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Don't bother.

EVERYTHING you need to know is on here.

You're on finasteride, that's that. Use it for a year, if it's not effective either drop it or add minoxidil.

Doctors want your cash.


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My doctor asked that I come check in every 3 months. He asked me to do this to see how I am responding to the drug because he wants to have as much experience with it as possible since many students in the university are asking for it. While I have complete faith in the safety profile of finasteride, I don't think its a terrible idea to check in and see what its doing.

Fallout Boy

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My doctor just told me to come back in 1 year for a check up .. i guess just to see what my results are and if i should stay on it ... not sure


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The Traveler said:

For those of you on Propecia (or Proscar), I'd like your opinion.

I'm currently on Propecia and my doctor has told me that she'd like to see me once a month for check-up/potential blood tests, etc. while I'm on Propecia. Have your doctors asked the same from you? This seems like a serious pain in the *** thing to do on a monthly basis.

Let me know. Thanks.

I think you should be glad that you've got a doctor that cares about you. Monthly checks are a great idea. For the rest of us, please report back when you receive your monthly blood test results, and also post your initial, pre-Propecia numbers.

The numbers we are mostly concerned about are T (testosterone), DHT, and E2 (estradiol). But I would also be interested in IGF-1 and cortisone.
