propecia and estrogens


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If i use Propecia, my estrogen levels will rise and it will cause side-effects in many as gyno and weight gain. I would like to use "anti-estrogens" to counter the estrogen rise. What will then happen to all the free testosterone if it can't turn into DHT or estrogen ?


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Chances are you won't have a problem with high Estrogen levels. THis is the rarest of side effects from finasteride. Don't worry about it until it happens.


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hormones don't work alone, you can't change one without changing another.
its a vicious cycle.. with that, what you don't put in your body is more important than what you put in it.

I think even if you don't have major adverse effects there's still a slight Femininization to the body on finasteride. decreased libido or fat to muscle ratio flux etc..It might take 6 to 12 months to notice it


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hair-x said:
I think even if you don't have major adverse effects there's still a slight Femininization to the body on finasteride. decreased libido or fat to muscle ratio flux etc..It might take 6 to 12 months to notice it

I have to disagree with you on this. Most people on finasteride don't experience side effects.


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what i'm saying is most people don't realize it. People with side effects on propecia who are't acutely aware of there body don't notice sh*t....If your not borderline perfectionist like me (Not to sound cheesy) you might not notice those little physical changes.

and dude! With all due respect, why are you still taking propecia, your a walking side effect..


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hair-x said:
what i'm saying is most people don't realize it.

sorry but you didn't say that or imply that anywhere

hair-x said:
People with side effects on propecia who are't acutely aware of there body don't notice sh*t....If your not borderline perfectionist like me (Not to sound cheesy) you might not notice those little physical changes.

There's just no proof in your original statement. I think most men would notice any of the feminizing effects you mentioned maybe not to the degree you do if your into working out and body fat percentages. Not everybody's body chemistry works exactly the same .Most people don't see any side effects from Propecia and that's a fact.

If my situation gets worse then I will discontinue use. You make it sound like I've had every known side effect which just isn't true. I'm one of the very few (not even a percentage given) that have experienced slight gyno. You know the story dude. Don't know why your bringing it up here. Just because it happened to me doesn't mean anything. There's only been like 2 or 3 reported cases on these boards


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Sorry but let me vent for a second.. its obvious that finasteride is poison=. 1/2 or around with your hormones is not good. It took Researching forums (not what a joke, to find the 1/2 dozen more side effects of propecia, in my opintion its no friendly balding pill, it does more harm (wallet and health) than good and what it does "if any" for hair is so minimal you need a microscope to see it. like aways its about money..

I could see not getting laid becuase you feel like crap, overweight and can't get it up, but having 10 less hairs per square inch ???? propecia is a bust!

If not for i would be another sucker in the dark, merk is evil


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I must relate my personal experience, which is in total contradiction to Hair-x's.

I'm a pretty frequent "gym rat" who watches his body fat to a near obsessive point. At 4-6% body fat reguarly, I think I can safely say I'm not experiencing any "feminization." Point in fact, many of the more serious guys at the gym take loads of Finasteride to counteract all the sh*t they use - everything from roids to Testosterone cream.

You are compiling assumption and not casuality. When you get 300 guys on finasteride for 6-12 months and can do a double-blind study of Muscle v. Fat and any changes to that, we can talk.

As for side effects, I've had none. No libido decrease, no soft erections, no shedding, no physique issues. And my hair has improved significantly.

Obviously you feel strongly about Finasteride. But please, don't go around stating that it is posion and that Merck is evil. You're clearly an intelligent man who cannot possibly believe that. Have you tried the drug? You must realize the side effects reported on these sites are generally hyperbole....


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Axon-how long have you been on finasteride?

Maybe those statements are a little strong thats just my opinion, Merk does not state the other 1000 side effects with the prescription or on the propecia web site, they must not want you to know.. after doing some serious research (info based on fact not assumption) suddenly I had an epiphany, duh! of course changing ones delicate homonal balance will do all kinds of crap to your boby, it maybe more noticeable for some than others but its doing something, and what finasteride does for hair is very questionable,

I could be wrong, thats just my opinion

I stopped after 6 months check out my othe posts, its only been a week 1/2,


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Dude there's alot of hormones and enzymes that interact with testosterone, like a big chemical mix.When you take propciea it reacts with emzyme 5AR so it doesn't react with testoterone to create DHT.

All your're doing here is taking out one sex binding hormone out of like 50 or so. This gives you a little more free testosterone. This means that you could have a very slight rise in the other sex binding hormones, but generally speaking people who take finasteride get the extra free testosterone which is an anabolic hormone(good for musle building) not feminization). I beleive what we're taking about here is very minimal at best



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The extra testosterone is then converted into extra estrogen disrupting natural hormone balance ..over a period of time this will cause problems

can't change one without changing on and so on


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It doesn't have to be converted into estrogen, there's so many more sex binding hormones estrogen is only one of them. some sex binding hormones are androgens(male hormones), again we're talking about a very small change not a hugh hormonal disruption.

Oh yeah I'm on finasteride almost 7 months and have decreased my body fat from 15.5% to 11% in this period of time. So when I hear people freeking out about weight gain, I'm led to believe that people should look at some of the other variables such as their diet and the amount of exercise taken, not just the propecia pill.



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if you have a slight rise or small changes in hormones over time you will have slight or small changes with your appearance as well, thats why most people don't notice... I did


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I used to get my T and Estrogen levels tested regularly....wasn't much (or any) noteable fluxuation.


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hair-x said:
if you have a slight rise or small changes in horemones over time you will have slight or small changes with your appearance as well, thats why most people don't notice... I did

everybody's apperance changes over time, thats called time moving forward i.e( aging )


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I have been on Propecia for a few months now and all the side effects that I have had are gone. I am very paranoid about sudden changes and to tell you the truth I havent noticed anything major. I have not gained weight, trust me I eat a lot, and my body fat is still at 9 percent.

Also, before starting Propecia, I spoke to my doctor about having regular blood test to check for any major fluctuation in my hormones. Well, just got back and everything is fine. I am starting to realize that some just get way to paranoid, although I am the same way at times, but you have to realize that the body goes through changes all the time. sh*t, maybe sneeeezing can cause a sudden change in your hormones or a common cold.

On a side note, Propecia has been around for a long time as Proscar (5 mg). It is a proven drug that is out in the market to help out with every mens worse nightmare male pattern baldness. I dont believe that Merk would be part of some scheme, hiding information from the public. In fact, I dont even think they are making as much money on the drug as they thought. I have heard many good things about the drug, and some negatives, but that goes with anything.

Maybe you had some negatives effects and the drug proved useless to you. That doesnt mean we will all suffer the same way.



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I think its smart that your not going into it blind, now you know what to look out for, the stuff Merck does not put as possible side effects on there prescription tab or propecia web site.

good luck