Propecia 1mg report after first six weeks


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Hello all, my second report. First one available at: ... highlight=

Story so far: after three weeks I had have aching in my nuts and some problems with my erections, but I thougth everything was getting better. Well, the story continues:

Week 4 was frightening, I almost quit. I was really scared. My nuts were aching several times a day (well, maybe "aching" is bit too strong word. There was "something", not so much pain-like, a feeling) and I probably didn't have an erection during the whole week.

Week 5, things finally started to get better. Aching went completely away by the end of the week and haven't noticed anything like it since. At the end of the week I did something I hadn't done for a long time: I watched some serious p**rn and everything worked just fine, so I was revealed.

Week 6, not much to mention, no side effects, nothing especial going with my hair. So sounds like this is the way it should be! Erections are hard and easy to get but I don't get them spontaneouly so often like I used to do. Also I'm "oozing" (probably the correct term, sorry, I'm not a native English speaker) if I have sex more than once in a two or three days, never had that problem before, so that's a minus at the moment.

Just for sure, called my Doctor during week 5. He said that if I'm still having some problems after my first 98 pills package, it would be probably best to quit.

But get this: one thing he mentioned was something that would have made me laugh a couple of months ago, but now it isn't so funny anymore. He said that even if I don't get any physical side effect or they go away, be careful with phycological effects, they could be surprising. First I didn't pay much attention to that comment but then realized that, heck, I've been worrying with my erection like some 90-yo for past three weeks, maybe it really has something to do with this. After that I really didn't want to think about the whole issue anymore and yes, sex things got better. Not sure was it phycologal or due to fact that my body had adopted with fina.

So, short summary after 6 weeks: some minor sex side effects (oozing, no spontaneous erections), otherwise nothing to complain. My advise to anyone thinking should he try fina: yes, go ahead, but be prepared to some side effects during first weeks. They are scary but won't kill you and go away. If not, quit after couple of months and you're safe and you at least know that fina is not for you, maybe try something different. Or better yet, get things into perspective while wondering where your erection went and stop worrying about a couple of hairs.


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well i had similer side effects to you, i started about 9 months ago, 1mg daily. The initial effects went, an i felt randier than before etc for a while
after 6months, 3 months ago i started to get a cold then flu, then diarrhoea, these subsided, then iget an abscess in my chin, whichhasnt gone away despite 3 courses of antidiotics, its still there now, and painful. I get tummy ache when i wake up, and my balls ace mildly most of the time. also my hands feel hot a lot, and the veins stick out like ive been pumping weights but actualy havent
Also whenever i have sex or wank etc, just as im coming theres a very strange almost uncomfortable feeling down below, and the orgasm is spoilt a bit by that. over the last month, ive been increasingly tired, and ill feeling, like ive got mild flu, i get tired much easier than before which is begining to affect my work. finesteride is like chemotherapy, i dont want to but im going to have to quit, as i think my immune system is supressed, ive got a few spots which i dont normal have, im 30 btw
So i will have to quit, as im worried about what finasteride is doing to me.
going to have find alternative safer treatments