Propecia 1mg report after 12 months


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Hi all,

I've now been using Propecia 1mg for 12 months and do not have much to report: I'm not losing hair, no regrowth noticed, side-effects almost zero (some problems during beginning) but most important thing is that I do not think the whole balding business anymore at all! I take my pill in the morning and that's it. Just like brushing my teeth, doesn't require very much thinking. Even coming to write this report to this forum was almost too much of effort.

(Above are the same words I used 3 months ago in my previous report. Nothing has changed since, my hair looks good, no thinning and even I have some times difficulties to see the spot with a mirror).

In addition to Propecia 1mg, I am using Nizoral 20mg twice a week.

My advice is still: try Propecia, you don't know if you don't try. Be prepared that your body may take a month or so to adapt to finasteride. If after three months or so you still have problems, seriously consider quitting.

And use camera! I'm a bit disappointed that I don't have a photos from my head 12 months ago.

Old reports of mine, next one probably after 24 months: ... highlight= ... highlight= ... highlight= ... highlight= ... highlight=

I'm outta here....


Established Member
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well done!! well im afraid most of us go through sheds. youre right though, take photos. its so hard to tell how your hair used to look months and months ago. especially if you change the style. good luck


erik said:
And use camera! I'm a bit disappointed that I don't have a photos from my head 12 months ago.

That's what I keep telling newbies. You n00b b****s, take photos, its worth it.

Oh and Deaner, have you taken photos of your dome yet?