Probiotic Treatment Of Acne And Dandruff Related To male pattern baldness Immune Response


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Was just reading their is a fee studies pointing to bacterial imbalance in scalp... causing dandruff inflamattion immune response and calcification.

And their is some nee topical and internals coming to treat dandruff and acne with pro biotics !

So just wondering the link to male pattern baldness also ?

Also was reading yoghurt has been used historicaly to treat acne succesfuly by adjusting bacterial balance. Then their is this other new sodium lactate stem cell activation. Yoghurt is lactic acid.


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Fungas is not the cause of dandruff but bacterial imbalance is... wounder how ketoconazole works for male pattern baldness as its anti fungal not ant bacterial or probiotic ?

Could this theory explain the immune response to male pattern baldness?


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Fungas is not the cause of dandruff but bacterial imbalance is... wounder how ketoconazole works for male pattern baldness as its anti fungal not ant bacterial or probiotic ?

keto is also an androgen receptor blocker


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I do not know if it is related but 2 years ago I had various infection on the skin. I took antibiotics for months and it fucked up my body and this is exactly the time when I started to lose my hairs. I do not know if it is related but baldness being linked to immunity is something I often think about.
Now sure it is just my experience.


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I think it's likely that there's a link between diffuse pattern hairloss and scalp acne.

My hairline has never receded an inch, but I have thin hair all over my scalp, and scalp acne all over it too.

It's a weird pattern of hair loss, since most guys lose hair from their temples or their hairline recedes.

I should mention that I am 22 now, and I've not experienced any hair loss since I was about 17, but the damage has already been done, the scalp acne is still there though.

The hair loss occurred when I was 15/2-17.


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Was just reading their is a fee studies pointing to bacterial imbalance in scalp... causing dandruff inflamattion immune response and calcification.

And their is some nee topical and internals coming to treat dandruff and acne with pro biotics !

So just wondering the link to male pattern baldness also ?

Also was reading yoghurt has been used historicaly to treat acne succesfuly by adjusting bacterial balance. Then their is this other new sodium lactate stem cell activation. Yoghurt is lactic acid.

It would not be surprising if the microbiome is involved in hair loss.


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If I change environments meaning travel a few hours from my house, my scalp actually gets that creepy crawling feeling and hair loss shedding 5x worse. Sad but true. Definite immune response. I also get bad allergies so that tells me that immune system over reacts.


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It would not be surprising if the microbiome is involved in hair loss.
maybe it goes something like this.. Androgens increase sebum production which increase microorganisms which increase immune response


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maybe it goes something like this.. Androgens increase sebum production which increase microorganisms which increase immune response


We also know that male pattern baldness is associated with diabetes.

It would be funny if the genetic influence on male pattern baldness was very small.


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We also know that male pattern baldness is associated with diabetes.
I think thats because insulin decreases SHBG.
so, eat too many carbs and sugar all the time developes insulin resistance and the body needs to make more insulin to get the job done, which equals less SHBG and more free T and Dht.


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I think thats because insulin decreases SHBG.
so, eat too many carbs and sugar all the time developes insulin resistance and the body needs to make more insulin to get the job done, which equals less SHBG and more free T and Dht.

Plausible, but you're starting from the view that DHT is the primary agent, and that other factors act in concert of enabling or inhibiting DHT.


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Plausible, but you're starting from the view that DHT is the primary agent, and that other factors act in concert of enabling or inhibiting DHT.
yes, I believe T is bad too but a much weaker version of Dht. Androgens and the sensitivity to them is the primary agent of Androgenetic Alopecia. 95% of hairloss is because of genetics telling hair to react badly to male hormones. Pgd2, dkk-1, tgfb, sebumn, inflammation.. it all starts from androgens


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It would not be surprising if the microbiome is involved in hair loss.
You're right. They have been finding out that our gut microbiome has a lot to do with our overall health. Imbalances can cause psoriasis heart disease etc.. So wouldn't be surprised if imbalances around our hair follicles causes hair loss. Especially since we do have a microbiome around the hair follicle


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maybe it goes something like this.. Androgens increase sebum production which increase microorganisms which increase immune response
That to me makes a lot of sense... also was reading sex increases lactic acid which causes inflammation and increase in sebum also.
One other question i have is. Is their more sebum on top of head vs sides ? Due to normally faster growing hair on top that could explain male pattern baldness pattern horshoe ? I.e sebum quantity

What to do about this. So probiotics internal and what topicals. Im using lactate shampoo and lotions and can say yes awesome on scalp ! Mosturise scalp and zero dandruff like i still had with nizoral. Maybe also some probiotic topicals ?


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You're right. They have been finding out that our gut microbiome has a lot to do with our overall health. Imbalances can cause psoriasis heart disease etc.. So wouldn't be surprised if imbalances around our hair follicles causes hair loss. Especially since we do have a microbiome around the hair follicle
Could this also explain why daily showering is bad.. damaging micro balance of bacteria


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Fungas is not the cause of dandruff but bacterial imbalance is... wounder how ketoconazole works for male pattern baldness as its anti fungal not ant bacterial or probiotic ?

Could this theory explain the immune response to male pattern baldness?

It have nothing to do with fungus or bacteria. Ketoconazole is a potent anti androgen that also have antiinflamatories properties .

Even the new theories about acne say that bacteria is just an effect, not the cause. The cause are prostaglandines and leukotrienes, same with baldness. Hormones tigger the receptors in the genetic predispose people, that is why, for example, Prostaglandines PGD2 are increase in people with acne or male pattern baldness but not the DHT. That is why sepiprant works , that is why cetirizine works.

Armando Jose

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Is their more sebum on top of head vs sides ?

Ah, you hit the nail. ....... congratulations,...., think about it :)

IMO, sebum production is similar, but probably sides don't acumulate sebum and get rancid. Do you know why? Food for though.