Prince William article


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Yes, correct. We all have to age. Why are we all so obsessed and TERRIFIED of it??? Because we are told we should be, that's why!


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Getting some back at her? The author is getting crucified in the comments! Granted, it's probably because she wrote a less-than-flattering article about someone who could be the next king of England but it's nice to read comments where people actually cut a bald dude some slack. I want to live in that Bizarro world.

However, do note the "He could benefit from a hair transplant procedure." comment getting downvoted like there's no tomorrow. Remove big Willy's fame and the comment still applies to pretty much everyone, i.e. hair transplants are still seen as the resort of the vain and superficial.


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She bashes his clothes and demeanor -- I don't see anything wrong in the pictures. Dude looks fit.


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It is almost as if the author is baiting people to think about his baldness, by not specifically addressing it.


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Yes, correct. We all have to age. Why are we all so obsessed and TERRIFIED of it??? Because we are told we should be, that's why!

Middle age has done a number on me, and when I look at true "old hags" (as some of you refer to them), I cringe because I know that'll be me someday soon. I think old age negatively affects women's appearances more than men's, even if men are bald. This is my opinion, based on what I see in the mirror and how I perceive guys my age I see in my daily life. Less than 10 years ago, I never thought about growing and looking old. Suddenly, we become obsessed with every wrinkle, brown spot, vein, etc. that we didn't see the day before. I'm sorry if this sounds shallow, but I cringe when I see old ladies. When we're young, we tend to think we won't care about this or that when we're "old" (and "old" in your 20s or even 30s is middle age), but, trust me, you will. And that's what's god awful about losing hair so young--that short span of time when you're in your prime is cut even shorter. That's how I feel about my son. Yesterday I said to him, "You take after me, so people will probably tell you that you look younger than your age for a long time." He said, "Not when I'm bald." That hurt. I wish he could've taken after my husband--he didn't start losing hair till his mid-50s.

Cue Bald

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He has the money for the best hair transplant's money can buy - but I bet the press would have a field day and his reputation would be seriously damaged if he were to get a hair transplant. Even if he used his own money it would be seen as wasting public funds on vanity.


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He has the money for the best hair transplant's money can buy - but I bet the press would have a field day and his reputation would be seriously damaged if he were to get a hair transplant. Even if he used his own money it would be seen as wasting public funds on vanity.

Would do the world of good in getting people to actually talk about baldness though.


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America's royal family, the Kardashians, are continuously getting cosmetic enhancement surgery.


My Regimen
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He has the money for the best hair transplant's money can buy - but I bet the press would have a field day and his reputation would be seriously damaged if he were to get a hair transplant. Even if he used his own money it would be seen as wasting public funds on vanity.

This guy used up £75,000 of public funds on a helicopter to surprise Kate Middleton with one trip to her, and this isn't out of the ordinary. That was for one day/a few hours.

I don't think he really cares, so the 20 or 30 grand for a top notch hair transplant (and he would need one) wouldn't bother him.