Prince Harry Has going bald too


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The pic you posted in the main pic does NOT show baldness--straight hair that is sticking up like that always shows scalp.


The pics you posted afterward in the links do show what appears to be crown thinning. It doesn't look like lighting to me.


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That was a really bad picture, but I saw some vids of the Royal wedding, and it was fairly evident that Harry is starting to thin in the crown area. It's nothing major, but he will probably have a bald spot in his late 30s if he doesnt treat it.


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Harry is going bald and end point, Who does not want to see it, f*** it.



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Hellboy666 said:
Harry is going bald and end point, Who does not want to see it, f*ck it.


I see it, and a few others do as well. You just provided a really bad picture.

But you have to remember, a lot of the guys here are bitter about baldness. When you are NW4+, and see a guy who is just starting to thin like Harry, you probably wouldnt see him as "balding".


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Harry is not going bald end point. Not unless you consider his uncle the earl of spencer to be bald (which you probably do). His hair is nothing like prince Williams or prince Edwards was at his age.

I'd bet anything that he still has at least NW3 when he's 60.


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sylent said:
Hellboy666 said:
Harry is going bald and end point, Who does not want to see it, f*ck it.


I see it, and a few others do as well. You just provided a really bad picture.

But you have to remember, a lot of the guys here are bitter about baldness. When you are NW4+, and see a guy who is just starting to thin like Harry, you probably wouldnt see him as "balding".

I only looked at 1 pic and i'm nw2.

managed to get 2 of the others to load up and yes possibly a thinning crown, cant you ask him for some close ups of his hairline?

honestly who really cares if this guy goes bald, all the royals are balding and it doesn't mean a thing.
I dont understand why people post about other people well celebs, go look in the mirror at your own hair and just worry about that.


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He could be going bald or it could just be the way his crown his; my friend has a stupidly thick head of hair but on obvious parting at the crown. Could be due to the weight of his hair at the crown pulling a little more, but he is definitely not balding. His dad, older brother, uncles I have met all have completely full heads of hair.

What gets to me is how you say Harry will be norwood 6 in 3 years time- have you seen the future? There is no way to possibly tell how his hair will be in a few years time from pictures. He could be completely bald, he could stay how he is, or maybe he'll just get a bit of a bald spot and then keep the rest of his hair. 'Bald' is not the only balding pattern.


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stableforehead said:
He could be going bald or it could just be the way his crown his; my friend has a stupidly thick head of hair but on obvious parting at the crown. Could be due to the weight of his hair at the crown pulling a little more, but he is definitely not balding. His dad, older brother, uncles I have met all have completely full heads of hair.

What gets to me is how you say Harry will be norwood 6 in 3 years time- have you seen the future? There is no way to possibly tell how his hair will be in a few years time from pictures. He could be completely bald, he could stay how he is, or maybe he'll just get a bit of a bald spot and then keep the rest of his hair. 'Bald' is not the only balding pattern.

Baldness scale Alvi Armani type 3 usually leaves bald fast.


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I have always thought that Hewitt sired Prince Harry. Harry really doesn't look much like his brother and regardless of what some posters here are saying has much, much better hair than William.


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MarkMayISAWESOME said:
I have always thought that Hewitt sired Prince Harry. Harry really doesn't look much like his brother and regardless of what some posters here are saying has much, much better hair than William.

For yes or not, Harry have yes diffuse male pattern baldness.


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if harrys going bald then im a norwood 100.

seriously though i can see how ppl can see diffuse thinning in him in certain angles, but if u look closely at anyone even females youll see tiny irregularites.

he may have lost a few hairs but all in all, id die to have his hair.


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IM never die for have a hair with diffuse. What you do not understand: it is diffuse, it is always diffuse, it will Thinning your hair and takes away quickly. Even the 25 years he had no fault whatsoever, and now with 27 ta with the top of your head all full of faults. Do the math.I lived a long time and I live with people with hair loss, fikei during 1 year of my life searching for tracking cases and stories, and I am very clear on this issue.
I do not intend to do hair transplants when a NW6, hair transplants almost always leave a poor result and a thin hair to comb over and besides all best cost the eye of man. Among a thinning hair with a scar on his neck and shave daily in the razor, I'd shave his head right, gets a much better aesthetic younger and invest money in things that give back in life than to be able to do a transplant ridiculous comb over to hide a little more power and look like a uncle. Transplants in large degrees of baldness NW5 +, always come out ridiculous..
I'd pay $ 15,000 for a cure for baldness, not to mutilate my neck.Who looks younger?

Joe Satriani +50 Shaved:

This guy 42 years NW6 with hairtransplants

I prefer Number one


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Hellboy666 said:
.[/color]Who looks younger?

Joe Satriani +50 Shaved:

This guy 42 years NW6 with hairtransplants

I prefer Number one

Well thats undisputable proof. :jackit:
How about the galleries on hair transplant clinics websites where some guys look 20 yrs younger after their hair transplant's?


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I'm starting to think that Hellboy's full time job is being a professional troll.

This is a guy that supposedly takes 5mg of finasteride each day to treat his "hairloss", and advises other posters who are unaware of his situation to do the exact same thing. These are the words he used to describe his situation in this thread.


"19 years, totally destruction male pattern baldness + vitamins problem"

This is the picture he's talking about.

"yes in hairline have great hairgrow, but in the pictures looks like diffuse Norwood 6"

"i hate this shitty male pattern baldness"

This is the same as an anorexic chick going on an obesity forum posting pics and taking the most potent weight loss drugs while crying about how bad of a situation she find herself in.



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There are always several idiots on here at any one time with very extreme (and usually highly deluded views) I think the majority know just to ignore them and they usually go away.


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In my famía not anyone with hair on his head and the father's side of including women are bald. disgusting


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:agree: a comparison between two completely different men isn't even a tiny bit of proof never mind undisputable :thumbdown2:. how can you compare a baby faced bald white guy, with some random bloke who looks 20 years older then his age anyway regardless of hair count.
It has to be the same person with and without hair.

hellboy you need to wake up from that dream your living in, you have a NW1 head of hair and dont need to be here. All you end up doin is insulting other people. A dermatologist is useless to you, but a psychiatrist may be able to help.

The diffuse Nw6 pic made me laugh I want diffuse Nw6 if it looks like that


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He's a chubby troll with zero hairloss problems and without a doubt some mental probelms, ignore him as best as you can.