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This is a post I read on in any responses people have

originally posted by Hypo

This is the site of somebody who took Propecia and now suffers from the long term hormone problem hypogonadism. There is also a link on the site to a forum to people who have suffered the same fate.

Below is what Eurgene Shippen, one of the worlds leading experts on hypogonadism has to say about Propecia and Proscar.

Finisteride (Propecia-Proscar)
From: Eugene Shippen, M. D.
Date: 5/15/01
Time: 3:42:23 PM
Remote Name:

I have become aware of a growing number of young men who started to take Propecia for male pattern baldness. After relatively short intervals these men develop full symptoms of hypogonadism: decreased libido, sexual dysfunction, ED, fatigue, gynecomastia and depression. Testing shows low T and DHT, high E2, low or normal FSH/LH and normal prolactin. What is really troubling is the lack of response to T replacement, clomiphene stimulation, HCG injections. There may be significant increase in T after various methods of increasing it, but the response in all areas seems to be lacking entirely! If anyone has patients with these complaints after finisteride, please let me know as I am collecting case histories of this serious, though uncommon problem. Also, anyone who has had success with treatment let me know at:



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hmm interesting because i'm going to go on propecia soon.

i was just wondering... i don't think that i will have side effects because i am pretty damn horny to be blunt. i went through puberty a few years before most people that i know and i have a decent amount of masculine characteristics i.e body hair/facial hair/build.

maybe the people that experience these side affects are people who went through puberty late or are still going through it. the people who don't have pit hair yet, no body hair/facial hair/ and are still small in size.

i dunno its just an assumption. does it sound logical?


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Damage to the lining of your stomach, prolonged bleeding time, wheezing, breathlessness, ringing in the ears, hearing loss, chronic catarrh & runny nose, headache, confusion, nausea, vomiting, GI upset, GI bleeding, ulcers, rash, allergic reactions, hives, bruising, abnormal liver function tests, liver damage, and hepatitis. If you take too much, the toxic effect is Kidney Damage, severe metabolic derangements, respiratory and central nervous system effects, strokes, fatal hemorrhages of the brain, spleen, liver, intestines & lungs and
300 to 500 reported deaths per year: (taken as directed).


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ehh...I don't know about that. I'm 18 and may still be going through puberty....

I'm not growing anymore and I've had arm pit/pubic hair for quite some time, however I do have to shave more often and I don't have a lot of chest hair (it's definitely coming- my dad has a rather hairy chest), and of course I can finally get a build when I lift. Actually, I noticed that after lifting, I had an increase in hair loss, so I have given that, along with drinking up. As a freshmen in college, giving these two things up is very hard, as I desire a good physique and love to get trashed on the weekends.

Anyway, I've never experienced the side effects commonly seen by those on finasteride, and i've been on for 8 months (knock on wood). BTW, finasteride hasn't helped me at all, some I'm going to consider giving it up soon.


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Yeah, some asswipe GP I visited wouldn't prescribe Propecia because he thought it could cause liver damage. Funny, since I overheard him recommending Tylenol to the previous patient in the next room.


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Anyone else have any comments on that site. It actually freaked me out a bit! After I read those side effects I thought to myself, "could this happen to me?" We are in this to win a battle over hairloss, but I do not want to lose the battle with my big fellow. Folks, your thoughts please...



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These kinds of stories are always scary to read when you are about to or have recently started treatment.

But like BHD said, aspirin, tylenol, all that stuff has side-effects.

People die on rollar coasters or having an obscure allergic reaction to a ham sandwiches.

From what I have read on here, most people who experience these kinds of side effects have them go away.

This stuff can't be all bad or else there would be huge lawsuits and other stuff. Ever notice how you will see commercials for some new kind of drug on tv or somewhere for blood pressure or cholesterol, and then a year or so later, there will be law office commercials saying "If you had complications while taking drug X, contact our law office and get the settlement YOU deserve!" I see those all the time where I live...

Now, having been logical about it all, I sure as hell hope that doesn't happen to me. Since taking Propecia, I don't wake up with erections anymore and rarely get a random one so I'm trying to keep myself logical about all of this and make sure that I keep track of these kinds of things.


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comparing finasteride, a hormonal modulator, to aspirin or tylenol is like comparing apples to orange

and frankly i cant believe the two were even brought up...


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Worried makes a great point.

Although we may be comparing apples to oranges we still have to look at the history of the drug. Men have been taking the stuff for years at higher doses i.e. Proscar and to date I personally haven't heard or seen any lawsuits against Propecia/Proscar. There are many horror stories floating around forums, but most people use these places to vent and to become more informed, especially if they are having some sort of side effects. In the end it comes down to personal decision, we know there are consequences to many foreign objects we may be polluting our bodies with, but again, its up to you to make your own choices. Be informed, ask questions, and do something about your problem (in this case hair loss). In the end, I think Propecia will prove to be safer then many think, nothing is perfect.


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That comment is from 2001. Where is his ground breaking follow up for his theory?

NUMBER ONE SIDE EFFECT FROM FINASTERIDE....PARANOIA. Placebo and side effect group was less than 1% difference.

Not all people can handle that word. If you can't and you find yourself panicking, there is no doubt you shouldn't take it. At this point your should consider the topical route.

Apples and Oranges yes, but the premise of what BHD was correct, everything has a side effect. You might as well off yourself, consumption of anything can cause problems.