Possibly wanting to explore hormonal route


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Hello all,

I'm new here to the forum. I’ll try to keep this as brief as possible. Growing up I always had a nice thick head of hair. Balding doesn’t run in my family, however my brother has been balding pretty bad and always had me concerned for my future. At about 23 I started noticing my hair was looking sparse and thinning and had to switch hairstyles to start making things less noticeable. But I figured things were fine and I had hair. Fast forward to now. I’m 34 and about 3 years ago I started dealing with really really bad shedding/thinning. Nobody mentioned anything and just told me you lose hair daily. Which I understand. But between what falls out with brushing, and what comes off when I wash my hair exceeds the normal. Then I began losing my forelocks, the hair right in the middle front of my hairline and really began to get concerned. After much pushback I was able to get Finasteride prescribed about 6 months ago. I’ve also done minoxidil pretty steadily as well as Nizoral. But so far results have been negligible. I’ve yet to really get progress on my forelocks, but I do see some baby hairs coming in through my scalp as the rest of my hair is past my chin. Medically I have found some factors that could be contributing. When I tested my iron few years back my ferritin was so low. At 14. Currently it’s up to 83 so I’ve been able to get that up. Everything else is normal as far as labs go. As well as hormonal labs. The only way thing that is abnormal, is my testosterone is super high. Like through the roof high. Total, available, and free are all on the very very high end and there is no medical explanation as to why. My endocrinologist essentially is going with it’s just how my levels run. I’ve not experienced any side effects from Finasteride. High testosterone came before I started finasteride, so please don’t say finasteride is the cause. It’s not. My school of thought is due to my super high testosterone levels, I’m dealing with a much stronger DHT issue. So much so that I need something stronger like Dutasteride which is what I’m currently trying to persuade my doctor to write for me but so far no luck. Also dealt with dandruff scalp issues that I believe are causing inflammation in my follicles. All this being said, I value my hair number 1. And I’m willing to go to some extreme routes to gain back ground lost in thickness and overall growth. I’ve hovered over these forums a bit after seeing crazy results people were getting by using different hormones. I’m a cis male that’s looking to keep as much manliness that I can while regaining my hair. I understand this is a difficult balance and I’d really like some advice in regards to what hormonal route I could follow that is the least likely to give me side effects such as gyno etc. One other thing I’ll mention is dryness. I deal with really really dry hair which makes me have to lessen how often I can use Nizoral as well as very dry skin. Again not sure if super high testosterone is contributing due to my estrogen not being in balance and maybe I need more?

As far as hormonal routes go, what should I add to the mix besides finasteride, possibly Dutasteride? Would some form of estrogen like pills or cream be strong enough to produce hair growth while avoiding gyno? Thank you for any advice and or help on my journey.


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Keep trying to get a prescription for dutasteride. Depending on which country you live in, you may be able to get it through an online prescription process. Here in the UK, several pharmacies offer this option, and I believe in the US some pharmacies do too.

You could add microneedling too, which has a lot of anecdotal evidence to suggest it is effective despite a lack of scientific research.

Current treatments are a lot better at maintaining than regrowing, and so if you want to fill in the areas you've already lost hair, I recommend looking into getting a transplant. The transplant would restore your existing loss, while the treatments you are taking should prevent any further loss.

Lastly, I advise you to stay away from transsexual drugs. These drugs will cause strong feminizing and sexual side-effects, such as breast growth, a more feminine body shape, decreased facial and body hair, diminished libido, erectile dysfunction, among other effects. I've also read that these drugs can potentially also have serious non-sexual side-effects affecting various bodily systems and functions. It is ultimately your choice what you decide to do, but my own advice is to stay away from using these drugs.


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There are huge benefits from estradiol in terms of life span, less disease, less prostate cancer, barely any breast cancer issues, most MtF's look years younger. Except for bone, all tissue is essentially re-written. My locked up neck is gone as is my back pain. My neck muscles were overdeveloped making turning of the head difficult. Let's see. It greatly improves skin and yes, hair pretty without fail and definitely in terms of maintenance. With patience and the right E2 levels ~200pg/ml most in my opinion can experience substantial hair regrowth, perhaps up to one half of what was lost up to 100 percent. Psychologically, it is stereotypical in terms of calming effects and reduction in risky risk taking. It lacks that driven testosterone feeling for one more mellow and much nicer. Body hair dissipates and for some, beard hair dissipates if the beard wasn't full, folks seem to be blonder under E2 and can grow their hair much longer than before, with all of the hair silkier now. The orgasms are better. The sex is different but just as good.

You will struggle perhaps to open the jar of peanut butter but you will also be more limber and able to stretch.

The benefits are enormous for everyone. It will happen, not like sci fi, men won't be legislated to be castrated but when the enormous health benefits are added to the psychological and presentation benefits, men will do this more and more voluntarily as we proceed forward. We are already seeing this, men and boys opting for female hormones to defeat hairloss. Looks generally improve for everyone although for many or most, these improvements present better as male in terms of being more attractive: less blocky head, jaw and chin, opening of the eye sockets which is very common, slight shrinkage of the nose, reduction in anger, anxiety and hostility. Welcome and come to the:

It is set up to be an enduring thread where folks report back and share information related to hormonal treatments and esoteric treatments like RU and oral minoxidil.


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There are huge benefits from estradiol in terms of life span, less disease, less prostate cancer, barely any breast cancer issues, most MtF's look years younger. Except for bone, all tissue is essentially re-written. My locked up neck is gone as is my back pain. My neck muscles were overdeveloped making turning of the head difficult. Let's see. It greatly improves skin and yes, hair pretty without fail and definitely in terms of maintenance. With patience and the right E2 levels ~200pg/ml most in my opinion can experience substantial hair regrowth, perhaps up to one half of what was lost up to 100 percent. Psychologically, it is stereotypical in terms of calming effects and reduction in risky risk taking. It lacks that driven testosterone feeling for one more mellow and much nicer. Body hair dissipates and for some, beard hair dissipates if the beard wasn't full, folks seem to be blonder under E2 and can grow their hair much longer than before, with all of the hair silkier now. The orgasms are better. The sex is different but just as good.

You will struggle perhaps to open the jar of peanut butter but you will also be more limber and able to stretch.

The benefits are enormous for everyone. It will happen, not like sci fi, men won't be legislated to be castrated but when the enormous health benefits are added to the psychological and presentation benefits, men will do this more and more voluntarily as we proceed forward. We are already seeing this, men and boys opting for female hormones to defeat hairloss. Looks generally improve for everyone although for many or most, these improvements present better as male in terms of being more attractive: less blocky head, jaw and chin, opening of the eye sockets which is very common, slight shrinkage of the nose, reduction in anger, anxiety and hostility. Welcome and come to the:

It is set up to be an enduring thread where folks report back and share information related to hormonal treatments and esoteric treatments like RU and oral minoxidil.
Current update, I’ve been on Dutasteride after managing to get a derm to hear me out about 4 months back, been noticing some light regrowth coming in and upped minoxidil to twice a day. However even with dutasteride my testosterone both total/available is still through the roof and estradiol is non detectable according to my endo. I mean don’t I want some estrogen? This just leads me to conclude I should add in some sort of estrogen into my mix as I've thought of in the past. So why can’t I just add in a little estrogen cream and see what happens? Or is there a better way to bump up my levels somehow?


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Current update, I’ve been on Dutasteride after managing to get a derm to hear me out about 4 months back, been noticing some light regrowth coming in and upped minoxidil to twice a day. However even with dutasteride my testosterone both total/available is still through the roof and estradiol is non detectable according to my endo. I mean don’t I want some estrogen? This just leads me to conclude I should add in some sort of estrogen into my mix as I've thought of in the past. So why can’t I just add in a little estrogen cream and see what happens? Or is there a better way to bump up my levels somehow?
I think that Biestro might work in a situation where the wind is at one's back, so to speak, meaning it's probably not going to regrow a full head of hair but combined with finasteride and min, it might help regrow a considerable amount. I can certainly vouch for the fact that Biestro can greatly improve the quality of hair and have posted pics of when this along with finasteride/min was my main hair defense. You have to use lots of Biestro though so Estrogel is what I use currently. To the extent that topicals work and some/many of them do, Estrogel is probably the top of the line of the treatments likely both to improve hair but also to visibly feminize. Most find any such feminization of appearance to be either a subtle improvement facially or a marked improvement in terms of attractiveness especially when combined with improved hair.

And breast growth that is significant is not likely for most who take this road as MtF's average out to less than triple A cup. You never knows though says she as her D cups sway bumptiously before her....


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I think that Biestro might work in a situation where the wind is at one's back, so to speak, meaning it's probably not going to regrow a full head of hair but combined with finasteride and min, it might help regrow a considerable amount. I can certainly vouch for the fact that Biestro can greatly improve the quality of hair and have posted pics of when this along with finasteride/min was my main hair defense. You have to use lots of Biestro though so Estrogel is what I use currently. To the extent that topicals work and some/many of them do, Estrogel is probably the top of the line of the treatments likely both to improve hair but also to visibly feminize. Most find any such feminization of appearance to be either a subtle improvement facially or a marked improvement in terms of attractiveness especially when combined with improved hair.

And breast growth that is significant is not likely for most who take this road as MtF's average out to less than triple A cup. You never knows though says she as her D cups sway bumptiously before her....
Yeah even if I could get back just the quality and shine that my hair used to have would be a vast improvement. I may consider doing the estrogel if the biestro doesn’t have an effect. Thank you so much for the informative reply as always :)


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Getting tired of using topical minoxidil and I know you mentioned you’ve used it orally. If I’m using the liquid orally, how do I figure out dosage etc?

use kirkland 5% minoxidil = 50mg per 1ml. Pills are a tad more convenient and don't cost much, but it is cheaper to drink it.


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Getting tired of using topical minoxidil and I know you mentioned you’ve used it orally. If I’m using the liquid orally, how do I figure out dosage etc?
It's pretty easy if you can find a decent metric dropper which I was unable to locate on Amazon. All they seemed to have was a one ml dropper with four decreasing increments and the lowest is .25ml. Now to translate that into milligrams of Loniten from "drinking" five percent minoxidil, you just divide by two and remove the decimal point from the ml reading so .25ml equals 12.5 mg theoretically of Loniten. However probably a small amount is lost in the stomach before liver passage which is required so you might be a tiny bit under the actual Loniten potency according to many doctors with their prescription pads all ready to go but the differences are likely to be so small as to be inconsequential so maybe my .25ml is really only 10 mg because it loses a bit of potency in the translation but still, this is a non-prescription, dirt cheap and reportedly highly effective method even for many topical min non-responders.

If you only want to use the equivalent of five mg daily then you will have to eyeball it and only go halfway up to the .25 ml point and then divide by two with the decimal removed which equates to 6.25 but it is probably closer to 5mg in therapeutic effectiveness and that is probably the most recommended dose and for some people, the highest that they feel safe using without medical supervision.

There are few to no dangers from drizzling tiny amounts of topical min from the drinking of minoxidil itself and you will probably recognize whether it is working or not by whether you have some form of hypertrichosis which I have had in my beard area but most males probably would see this sort of "hypertrichosis" as feature and not a bug.

Now, don't take this to mean necessarily that oral minoxidil is safe without the help of a doctor but by titrating upwards many can probably avoid any intense blood pressure effects and I have not had any issues with my 12.5mg twice daily regimen but taking 25mg or .5 ml all at once daily is likely to be much less safe. I haven't had any oral min sides except for increased scratchiness in my beard area which I dislike but for a full head of hair, I can schedule some extra laser removal sessions so I don't think that the hypertrichosis is really something that should be off-putting in this day and age really for anyone when one looks at the possible enormous value of oral min plus the hypertrichosis is reversible when one desists from the use of oral min.

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How much Minoxidil is lost by ingesting liquid Minoxidil? Do you feel sublingual route or just swallowing it works best? Would a capsule with liquid minoxidil be affective? Sorry about all the questions. I'm doing the sublingual route at this time. Just need some input on the way to get best results. Thank Yoy.


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How much Minoxidil is lost by ingesting liquid Minoxidil? Do you feel sublingual route or just swallowing it works best? Would a capsule with liquid minoxidil be affective? Sorry about all the questions. I'm doing the sublingual route at this time. Just need some input on the way to get best results. Thank Yoy.
I don't think we know how much is lost during passage through the liver. First approximate dosage in terms of Loniten which is easy as you divide the milliliter amount by two and then remove the decimal. Thus, .25 ml ~ 12.5mg of Loniten. Then titrate around to find the optimal dose in terms of sides like water retention or peripheral hair growth.