Possible scam going on?


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Got a new 3 pack of Rogaine the other day. The stuff is like pure water in the bottles. Did it recently change to no scent or greasiness at all? I've been using the stuff for a couple years now, and this stuff is like pure water I swear. Yes the bottles and box were sealed and I got it at Walgreens. I would feel weird taking it back to them for a refund or replacement and they probably wouldn' t believe me anyway.


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I doubt they would believe you, but you could have them open another box, and if it looks good, buy it and write off the water. If also water, get a refund.

water. and I thought there was no fake that could be cheaper than minoxidil.

maybe it was a factory fluke. that is the only thing that makes sense. there is a small chance they will give you the refund. Just tell them what happened, open on the shelf in front like I said. not much more you can do than that.

never happened to me, and I get mine cheap.


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baller292 said:
Got a new 3 pack of Rogaine the other day. The stuff is like pure water in the bottles. Did it recently change to no scent or greasiness at all? I've been using the stuff for a couple years now, and this stuff is like pure water I swear. Yes the bottles and box were sealed and I got it at Walgreens. I would feel weird taking it back to them for a refund or replacement and they probably wouldn' t believe me anyway.

In my experience Walgreens is a top notch company. Tell them you believe the bottles were tampered with. I bet they will accept a refund.

The stuff should look like piss when you look down into the bottle.

Oh an call the maker sof rogaine and ask if they have messed with the formula. Also, they can confirm the lot numbers on the box.


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You didn't mistakenly buy the 2% did you? That stuff is very watery and non greasy.


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When i buy my minoxidil from Ebay, i take care (now) not to buy the cheapest one.... Like now there is a 4 Month offered at 19.95, when all the others are selling the same thing for around 22.50-25.00 + shipping. I would stay away of the one at 19.95

I remember one time i bought a 4 pack of Rogaine brand minoxidil 5%. When i have opened the box, i noticed that the sticker that is normally glued on the bottle was a plastic sleeve that was surrounding the bottle. All the same info written on it, all the same, except it was not a sticker glued on it. Opened it, smell it, was smelling like alchool and was not yellowish in colour but more like just alchool... clear like water. Of course these 4 bottles were dirt cheap, this i why i bought them. Didnt take the chance to use them at all, bought an other 4 from somebody else and all was fine.

You have to be smarter than the one you are dealing with sometime.