Pondering a hair treatment regime, 31, noticed thinning @ 18


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Hi all,

I first noticed my hair was thinning at around 18, it was a concern for me then but I ended up rationalising that "if I can make it to 30 with my hair, I'll be happy" and kind of ignored it.
I'm now 31 and I'm about a norwood 2/3 (I'll post some pics tomorrow-ish), so my hair loss has proceeded very slowly and it's not really that noticeable to others (I think).

I read about the big 3, but as my hair loss seems to be progressing slowly do I need to do everything?

Edit: Also, how does stress affect male pattern baldness? I have a very stressful job, and my life has not gone great the last 5 years!


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You are a good candidate for a hair transplant, your hair loss progresses so slowly you can start taking finasteride 1.25mg a day and get a hair transplant and you will have your juvenile hairline and will probably maintain it for a decade atleast if you are even an average responder to finasteride. finasteride will almost certainly not regrow your temples but it will maintain everything else