POLL: For finasteride Users


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This poll is for anyone taking proscar, propecia, or any kind of oral finasteride. With all the talk of people who experience side effects vs. people who experience absolutely no side effects at all (aside from extremely minor ones), I propose to find out from those who frequent this board just how many there are on each side. This may help us get a better idea of the drug.

So, if you can, please specify whether you experience sides, or no sides at all. Feel free to elaborate on your answer if you wish. If I get a good response from most members, I'll post up numbers and percentages. Why wait for hairloss companies to post further studies, when we as a collective in the same situation can do experiments of our own.

diffuse propecia

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Sexual sides for a few weeks but then they gone away and bam super sex sex drive, then gyno a few months later but Arimidex seems to be clearing that out, although I plan on dropping Arimidex after a couple of months when I loose a good amount of fat (naturally reduces test to estrogen conversion) .


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I think i had watery semen for a couple of weeks but i m not sure ... Well whatever it was just went away .. i m now almost 7 months in and experiencing no side effects ... finasteride has worked well for me i think...


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DHTvictim said:
I think i had watery semen for a couple of weeks but i m not sure ... Well whatever it was just went away .. i m now almost 7 months in and experiencing no side effects ... finasteride has worked well for me i think...
I seemed to lose my sex drive for the first few weeks but that faded quickly it may have been in my head. My missus is sick of me hittin her up all the time my sex drive is alive and well and getting great results from propecia!!


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4 months.

Sexual side effects.

Age: 19


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decro, what kinda sides are you getting? I'm 19 also been on finasteride for about 5 months and having some trouble maintaining an erection. I want to stay on since a lot of people say the sides will fade, but also kinda concerned about the long term effects. It sucks :( having to choose between keeping your hair or a healthy sex life. I been thinking about cialis/v**** but it just seems so wrong getting on those meds at 19. I need to come up with a solution soon or I might kill myself worrying about it.


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Nuli I've been there.

Wouldn't ever think of hoping on v**** or any of those. At the moment I'm trying:

- Finasteride (.25mg) /daily
- Nizoral 2% / 1-2 times a week.
- spironolactone 5% cream.

I've been having weak erections/decreased ejaculate and weight gain from fiansteride. Keep me updated.


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I finally went ahead and dropped finasteride and started my proxiphen regimen. I'm looking forward to being horny again haha. Ill let you know how it goes.


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decro, have you always been doing .25mg dosage of finasteride? Or did you do a higher dosage at first, like split Proscar into quarters (1.25mg), because it would be weird to be experiencing sides at such a low dosage, and would make me rethink getting back on finasteride.


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2 months into 0.5mg of Propecia.

Sides - Morningwood is weak and brief.
Random pain in the nuts and anus :dunno: and NO im not gay.

Still horny and can get it up when duty calls.


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0.25 mg of finasteride ED will reduce DHT very close to the same amount as takin 1mg ED. It might take a few more doses to reach that point but its not a huge difference. I know there are people that say they do not experience sides from a lower dose, but IMO this is more of a psychological effect.


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26yrs been on for 3 months, no sides (still can have sex multiple times a day), unless I think about sides.
Hair is definately improved, but i'm still losing lots of hair each morning, less in the evening.


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I've come off finasteride to check if my 'side' is an actual side effect or just me getting older, and am relying on spironolactone/nizoral/Revita for the moment.

-I've got no other sides, still just as horny and can get it up.
-Erections are slightly less intense, they're still just as hard, but I just don't get that throbbing 'f*** I must be on v****, it almost hurts' feeling as much when I tense it.

-The thing is, I've only noticed this after becoming very conscious about finasteride sides, I know I was fine a year ago. But I'm not 100% this 'side' wasn't already there before I started finasteride.

-There was very little (If any) dffierence when I knocked my dosage right down to 0.12mg.

-So, considering I was only on finasteride for 2 months, at only 0.25mg, how long shall I give it before deciding whether it was or wasn't the finasteride? I've read about 2 weeks.....


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Fincar 1.25mg/day for over a year, no sides


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6-7 months on finasteride.

-Slight libido decrease, but nothing serious.
-Semen is a bit more watery
-Orgasms are less intense.
-Sometimes paranoid thoughts about sides :)


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I think most of it is in the head, man. The testicular discomfort/ache was definately real the first time I tried Propecia. Then I thought I had problems getting an erection so I quit.

Then I started a month later but on .25 mg. The week and a half I felt a bit light headed and unattentitive. I also had pebblely stool and constipation for a couple days. I was also really horny. This went away. When I increased it to .5 mg a month later I recognized similar sides, but it went away soon. When I increased to .75 mg 1 month later and 1 mg 2 months later I really didn't experience anything. I think it's worth starting, and if your scared of sides you should start low and graduate upwards like I did. Otherwise just take the finasteride and ride out the sides. Most of the time it might last at most a week.

Edit- Can't really comment on the watery semen since I feel like that depends on the situation. I notice if I'm masterbating for a long time searching for the perfect clip on Redtube my semen will be watery, but this has always been the case. :dunno:


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eXVee said:
6-7 months on finasteride.

-Slight libido decrease, but nothing serious.
-Semen is a bit more watery
-Orgasms are less intense.
-Sometimes paranoid thoughts about sides :)

Orgasms less intense? I'm not on finasteride, though sometimes if I get off right when I wake up, the orgasm sucks.. not intense at all.. and is extremely short. Whereas after I've been awake a while, I have great orgasm. So when you say orgasms are less intense, is it like what I experience in the morning? I don't think I could live with weak orgasms, takes the fun out of sex.