please tell me there is something i can do about this


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Hey guys... on the big three... been using dr lees minoxidil for 6 weeks. I get really bad itching and acne in my crown area where ive been losing hair. Could the minoxidil be causing this? I use nizoral twice a week and t sal once a week. Do you guys have any suggestions? is there something i can use to make my scalp heathier? Will this just take time to die down with consistent use of nizoral? please respond... i could really use the input. thanks


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Most people have some level of scalp irritation in the first few weeks/months when using finasteride/minoxidil. The itching and the red pimples are the most reported problems along with flakyness (is that a word?)

Yes it does tend to die down with time, mine has gone completely, I believe continued Nizoral - T/Gel (and maybe T/Sal) use will help to bring under control.

When my scalp was really itchy (a year or so ago now) I used to give my head one day off a week from minoxidil, on this day I would use a good moisturiser on my scalp.

Also when you have finished showering/bathing/washing your head in a horse trough, rinse your head with very cold water, this realy does help.

Folligen can also help to get your scalp into good condition.

Good Luck