Please, I'm So Desperate, I'm 15 Years Old.


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This all started at the beginning of February, I do remember instances of styling my hair and I couldn't get it to my desire during mid-Jan. and that's when it hit me on Feb. 2nd when I went to get my haircut and the stylist cut my hair and I saw my hairline drastically receded. Now? My hairline is quickly receding, *drastically not quickly, receding and my crown is thinning so much. Even if I did try Rogaine or other remedies they won't slow it down if this pattern continues. 4 months ago I couldn't see my scalp, now, I can see my crown scalp and my hairline has receded so much. It really hurts.

I went to a Derm. and took some blood tests and they all came back normal. She said my hair looked brittle, she looked at it under a microscope and what she said was that it's in a resting phase. Okay, I understand that hair goes under a cycle, but that doesn't contribute to my scalp and hairline.

Now, I know people will say it's "Telogen Effluvium" but from what I heard it doesn't really mimic male pattern baldness, just some hair loss and diffuse thinning. I looked if stress could speed up hair loss, guess what, it doesn't [shocker]. There is no correlation from stress and hair loss.

My hairline looks different EVERY f*****g DAY, and no that is not an over-exaggeration. It just keeps going further and further back. I do remember during mid-Jan. that I experienced emotional shock and trauma, BUT, Telogen Effluvium usually takes affect about 3 months later and mine just took affect in about 15 days... So I don't know what to think.

My genetics: I don't know much about my family, my mother died so I wasn't able to see if she had hair loss, and my father left me. I have seen my father and his hair is very healthy a but receded but in his 30's it's fine and not even noticeable at first glance. I do have some statistics about my grandmother and her children (my uncles and aunts), my grandmother is 50 years old, her hair is thinning but then again he has A LOT of medical problems that do contribute to hair loss including: Hypothyroidism, Diabetes, etc. Her children have barely a receding hairline and they're in their 30's!

The conditions I currently live in are stable, my grandmother can't care for herself and she knows it by having 4 dogs whom are not potty trained. But I hide myself in my room all the time.

I really don't know what to do or think, if the pattern continues then I will be bald, but all these instances don't correlate with each other; Genetics? My family has really think hair since I'm pretty sure we have some native due to our masculinity and male pattern baldness usually affects older men and takes a long time. Telogen Effluvium? It doesn't take affect till 3 months later and does't mimic male pattern baldness. Unhealthy? I'm a teen and my parents are Hispanic so we eat A LOT meat. Blood? I'm not producing enough, I think it's called white blood cells, to destroy my hair so it can't be Alopecia and my Thyroid came back normal as well.

You want pictures? Sorry, but my phone is broken but I do have a picture from Feb. but the quality is horrible. To give you an example my forehead was 4 of my fingers (I have small hands) and now my thumb has a cozy bed up their with a little space of wiggle room.

To summarize: Receding hairline and crown hair thinning in 4 months drastically. I did have some trauma but hair loss doesn't follow up with Telogen Effluvium. I do have diffuse thinning.