Please Help With my Rogaine / Propecia question


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If I use Rogaine until I have good regrowth and at the same time I use Propecia, can I eventually give up on the Rogaine and maintain the hair I've regrown with the Propecia? I have no choice but to give up on the Rogaine in just over a year while I travel for about a year, so is it worthwhile to start with Rogaine?




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good question, i often thought the same thing...if rogaine regrows and finasteride maintains, then conceivably once you have your hair back, you could drop the rogaine


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If you drop Rogaine, any hair you grew or kept from it will fall out. There is virtually no doubt about this. You may as well not even start it. May I ask why travelling will prevent you from using it?


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Robb said:
So you have to use Rogaine for the rest of your life?

If you want to continue receiving it's benefits, yes. The only exception to this would be if your hair loss was caused by something other than male pattern baldness, then it's possible to keep the minoxidil grown hair as long as whatever factor was causing your hair to fall out has been removed.


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A_DHT_Driveby said:
i think this is just merck propaganda to convince people that they have to stay on it

Well, Merck doesn't make Rogaine so I don't think they care on way or another. Do a search for posts of people that thought it would be a good idea to quit minoxidil and if you've been using it for any length of time and have seen results, I dare you to quit.

It's quite simply a fact.


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beaner said:
Robb said:
So you have to use Rogaine for the rest of your life?

If you want to continue receiving it's benefits, yes. The only exception to this would be if your hair loss was caused by something other than male pattern baldness, then it's possible to keep the minoxidil grown hair as long as whatever factor was causing your hair to fall out has been removed.

That's illogical though. Since finasteride, or for a better example Dutasteride is basically 'removing' male pattern baldness, so why do minoxidil hairs fall out once stopped?


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barcafan said:
beaner said:
Robb said:
So you have to use Rogaine for the rest of your life?

If you want to continue receiving it's benefits, yes. The only exception to this would be if your hair loss was caused by something other than male pattern baldness, then it's possible to keep the minoxidil grown hair as long as whatever factor was causing your hair to fall out has been removed.

That's illogical though. Since finasteride, or for a better example Dutasteride is basically 'removing' male pattern baldness, so why do minoxidil hairs fall out once stopped?

Because Minoxidil is what grows them and keeps them alive quite simply. No one knows the actual working mechanism of minoxidil.


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Because those hairs that have regrown on Minoxidil are "Minoxidil-dependant".

DHT made them fall out ("miniaturize") a long time ago; which is why you are using minoxidil.
Just because finasteride is inhibiting DHT doesn't mean that those hair follicles that are particularily susceptable to DHT can flourish, even in a DHT reduced environment (otherwise all we would need is Finasteride).

minoxidil is great, because it allows even these DHT-susceptable hairs to potentially flourish. But remove the minoxidil, and its back to square one.

I guess a good analogy would be that Finasteride merely shields the hair that you have now from further hair loss. When you add Minoxodil, you're just supercharging your hair to grow faster than you can lose it, but the minute you lose that super charging, your hair will go back to the "shield-line" (eg; Where it was when you started taking Finasteride)

Either way, I really need to get on minoxidil.