I posted this on the other forum, but was wondering if anyone has any insight on this or can explain why this happens.
I got to the point where I really don't care about my hair loss that much, so I figured I would go for the perfect body look. About a month ago I started taking Superdrol which is a mild oral steroid, it definity worked good for me since I put on about 20lbs of dry mass and lost some b/f. I'm on propecia and rogaine also take some vitamins and always had acne when I was on propecia, I stopped twice for a few months and a few weeks after stopping the acne stopped, so the whole time I've been on Superdrol I was on propecia but here is the funny thing I HAVE NO ACNE ON STERIODS? wtf does that mean so now its going to suck to come off the Superdrol since I know my acne will come back. :freaked2:
I got to the point where I really don't care about my hair loss that much, so I figured I would go for the perfect body look. About a month ago I started taking Superdrol which is a mild oral steroid, it definity worked good for me since I put on about 20lbs of dry mass and lost some b/f. I'm on propecia and rogaine also take some vitamins and always had acne when I was on propecia, I stopped twice for a few months and a few weeks after stopping the acne stopped, so the whole time I've been on Superdrol I was on propecia but here is the funny thing I HAVE NO ACNE ON STERIODS? wtf does that mean so now its going to suck to come off the Superdrol since I know my acne will come back. :freaked2: