Please check my pics for progression of thinning


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Hi All, I have attached pic of my crown from this past April and one from today in October. I am currently 39. Exactly 6 months apart. In your opinion, can you notice any progression of male pattern baldness? In my opinion, I don't think it has progressed. The derm has diagnosed me with male pattern baldness using scalp biopsy, but my mother, after careful retracing of her memory, belives, this may be the way my crown hairs are naturally growing. In other word, my mother thinks this is the way I was born, because she says she is able to recall that my crown was noticeable ever since I was an infant, and remebers others making the same comment when I was growing up as a little child.... My uncle also says there is nothing wrong with my crown. I don't agree with him because I would like my crown to be fuller without that part, but if I think about it it might be my natural swirl is on the right side of my head, but I am parting from left side of my head (for many many years) so the part gets created on the back of the head as there is no swirl on the left so the hairs get parted and part ends on the right side on the back of the head...... Also, my swirl is not exactly on top of the head. It's lower rear of the head.

What is your opinion of my pics 6 months apart? (1st one is 6 months ago, and 2nd one is tonight.) I used neither finasteride nor minoxidil. I used Hairomega, and LLT for later part of the past 6 months. How much weight would you give to your mother's word in something like this? She's the one who would be very familiar with my hair as she raised me.....

I am thinking of getting another scalp biopsy as a 2nd opinion...... Thanks in advance for your opinions.


  • crown_April04.12.jpg
    49.1 KB · Views: 340
  • crown on Oct4.12.jpg
    crown on Oct4.12.jpg
    44.7 KB · Views: 440


New Member
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do you have any family members with male pattern baldness? I not, I would trust your mom instead of derm.


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Up to 2 generation prior to my arrival, no male pattern baldness in mom or dad's side. Do not know if there was any prior to 2 generations ago.