Please advise how bad this is? 30s and have long hair. pics included


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Hi all

I am 30 and my hair is starting to show signs of thinning. I had long hair for years only to find out, I am starting to lose it. If anything, I am impressed its hasnt got bad until very recently. I guess one of the main things I could perhaps say why my hair lasted this long is because of my diet. Its fairly good and I dont eat smoke, use drugs or drink alcohol. And I eat the good stuff my mum cooks. I do eat junk food now and then. and I love my crisps and chocolates but most times, I choose to eat healthy.

My hair appears fine in normal light but in strong light or in rooms with lots of light, my hair appears very thin. I taken all manner of blood test and they all came back negative. I have enclosed my pictures and aplogise if they came out a bit too blurish. Its hard blindly taking pictures at that angle :D

I was previosly using Alpecin C1 shampoo. It did make my hair thicker but I doubt it can restore hair. I started using coconut oil last month. Not sure how well that will work. And I recently purchased Nizoral shampoo. It says it has 20mg of Ketoconazole. Not sure what percent this is :|

Heres plans for my regime:
I am looking to take up the spironolactone S5 Cream (do I need the night cream?) and either Nixon system 6 system kit or Revivogen. The reviews for Nixon seem good. The claims pictures for Revivogen seem a bit high expectations from the before and after pictures. I heard mix opinions about the S5 cream even though this website is one of the main places to buy it. The other shampoo I was looking to go on is RegenePure DR but would I throw out Nizoral shampoo since its the same thing?
Is this a good plan?


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Looks like male pattern baldness... If I were you I would start with finasteride, and stay on it for a year. Then you can look at the result and If you aren't happy start with minoxidil.


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Just take up finasteride you don't need any of that other stuff which is somewhere between useless and almost useless for hairloss.

Donny J

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the first thing i began using when i noticed thinning was nioxin shampoo/conditioner. i used it solely for probably close to a year before adding anything else... i can't say it's "great", but i did notice some small/light hairs start to regrow around my hairline, and so, i've been continuing use of it for now close to 5 years.

if you purchased nizoral shampoo OTC, then it is likely 1%. you can easily get a 2% script from your physician.

as far as the s5 cream goes, i recently purchased it from here as well, and i had the same question as you -- "do i need the night cream?". the answer i found is 'no' -- the only difference between the day and night creams is the inclusion of caffeine. i'm not sure what the purpose of caffeine is in there to begin with, but you really don't need two version -- you can use the day cream at night.

also, you can either add minoxidil (rogaine), or finasteride/propecia. if you're worried about sides,etc., then based on where you're experiencing your thinning, you could try 4-5 months on minoxidil alone, as this is the region where minoxidil is most effective at regrowth of hairs.


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Thanks guys for all the replys.

Is it true your suppose to use Nizoral three days in a row? Or is it ok to use it once per week?

My only concern with finasteride is the ED side effects. But I keep hearing about minoxidil having ED side effects as well even though it doesnt list it. I am gonna include minoxidil the tropical version in my regime as well as Nizoral but is it ok to exclude finasteride? I got some good herbal oils to counter the dryness from minoxidil if the dryness gets bad.


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For the question about Nizoral : 20mg/g means 2% concentration !
I just started using it, but I plan on using it every 4 days (I wash my hair every 2 days).
About finasteride, if you want long term results, I'd give it a try if I were you. Maybe at a low dosage if you're affraid of sides, like 0.25mg a day. If you get some sides and keep them after a year, you can drop it, otherwise you can up the dosage !


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maybe 2% will have difficulty achieveing an erection and sides will go away when you stop the drug, not much to be concerned about.

It isn't ok to exclude finasteride unless you plan on keeping your hair for only 2 years or less.

Just use nizoral twice a week its not that important. BTW starting at .25mg finasteride like the guy above me said will not help with sides at all. .25mg inhibits the same amount of dht as 1mg.