Pimples on Scalp


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Does anyone else suffer from this? I have (some large, some small) of what I assume are pimples on my scalp. They are red, itchy and sometimes hurt.

Can I do anything to get rid of this? Or is it just a symptom of hair loss?


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Yeah I suffer from this as well. However, I am not getting pimples all over my scalp, just the hairline.

I am intrigued. What topicals are you using because I am using Tricomin once a day in the evenings. Ever since I started using Tricomin, I have been getting these small pimples.


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Yeah I get this also, I get it around the places I apply minoxidil but mainly in the center of my hairline. It does itch like a b**ch, although I only seem to get it occasionally though. Can't really imagine it being a good thing but then I dunno. Like I say I seem to go through bouts of it.


New Member
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Downthedrain - Am only using Nizoral, no other topicals. Although I had it before I was using Nizoral. I am just wondering whether it has anything to do with hairloss - and if so, is it a symptom or a cause?


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Adrian said:
Downthedrain - Am only using Nizoral, no other topicals. Although I had it before I was using Nizoral.

I am too using Nizoral. But I only use it once or two times a week. But I doubt that should be the cause of the pimples, or even making it worse.

Adrian said:
I am just wondering whether it has anything to do with hairloss - and if so, is it a symptom or a cause?

I too would like to know the answer to this question as well!