Pic of bald woman..............after testosterone injections

michael barry

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There is a picture of Buck Angel before she got on testosterone therapy to be like a man.

Here she is now, http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl= ... n%26sa%3DN

SHe now shaves her newly MALE PATTERN BALD HEAD.
Notice how aged her skin is? Testosterone ages the dermis.

Here are pictures of TWO FEMALE TWINS, one who took testosterone to be like a man and one who didn't. One now looks like a man with a bald head.
http://www2.oprah.com/tows/slide/200509 ... _109.jhtml

Here is the same twin before she shot herself up on testosterone. Look at her new beard and NW3 hair,
http://www2.oprah.com/tows/slide/200509 ... _107.jhtml

Here she is with her sister again,
http://www2.oprah.com/tows/slide/200509 ... _106.jhtml

Here are two more twins (female) with one on testosterone therapy. She still, like all the others, has female genitalia
http://www2.oprah.com/tows/slide/200509 ... _102.jhtml

Now look at her up close, and see the ageing of the face, and ageing of the hair, the ageing of her neck. Again, this is what testosterone does to the dermis,
http://www2.oprah.com/tows/slide/200509 ... _103.jhtml

michael barry

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I made those posts above so you guys can see a GRAPHIC representation of why male hormones (especially DHT) cause baldness, and NOT shampoo.

All the people above use shampoo, but only the ones who have male hormones went bald.

Armando Jose

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Hi Michael;

You know my theory where the lenght of scalp hair could be an important factor in common baldness, so it is easy explain most of things including the different incidence between sexes.

If anyone see in detail the photos can observe that "people" with short hair are more prone to develope common baldness. Two cases: female twin and in the case of Buck Angel probed it.

OTOH, I am with you that hormones can accelerate skin aging.



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Armando Jose said:
Hi Michael;

You know my theory where the lenght of scalp hair could be an important factor in common baldness, so it is easy explain most of things including the different incidence between sexes.

If anyone see in detail the photos can observe that "people" with short hair are more prone to develope common baldness. Two cases: female twin and in the case of Buck Angel probed it.

OTOH, I am with you that hormones can accelerate skin aging.


You might have a point there. Longer hair would give it more weight, which would have a slight pulling effect that could stimulate the follicles to remain in the anagen phase longer. Hypothetically speaking, of course :D

michael barry

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Billie Jean King, http://i.a.cnn.net/si/2006/writers/sl_p ... g_0829.jpg
has wore her hair short for forty years. She has all of it.

As I have told you a roughly a MILLION times, buzz haircuts are in-style amongst many men in America. Ive seen men in the military who have worn buzz haircuts FOR DECADES who keep all of their hair.

MK386, which only inhibits the alpha five reductase type 1 enzyme that is found in the sebaceous gland, reduces sebum A GREAT DEAL, but does very little for hairloss. Finasteride, which inhibits the type 2 enzyme, has no effect on sebum, but DOES ALOT FOR HAIRLOSS.

Emprical evidence that buzzcuts have nothing to do with baldness is all around.

I cannot figure for the life of me why some people are so dead set that baldness is somehow "our fault".

Is it bonoboos fault that they lose their head hair?

Is it orangutans fault that they lose their head hair?

Is it chimpanzees fault that they lose their head hair?

Is it gorillas fault that they lose their head hair?

Their grooming is the same as it was a million years back, so the answer is no.

I cannot believe how some are determined to promote silly-non-scientifically backed up baldness theories despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Transplants, ARMANDO, disprove COMPLETELY your theory. Ive seen pictures of men with hair plugs in the front with no hair behind them all the way back to the hippocratic wreath. The Transplants were from the SEVENTIES and had been growing for thirty-plus years. Here are pics of such, http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl= ... D%26sa%3DN

Yet you still in-fuccking-SIST on noting that the two women who got hormone injects would not have lost their hair if they simply grew it out.

This despite a gazillion women who wear their hair short on this earth who keep their hair................................................................

Its amazing.

Your theory is bogus Armando. Hair length HAS NOTHING to do with baldness. NADA, ZILCH, ZERO, INCONSEQUENTIAL.

Armando Jose

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Hi Michael;

you are a good friend,

Billie Jean King, http://i.a.cnn.net/si/2006/writers/sl_p ... g_0829.jpg
has wore her hair short for forty years. She has all of it.

In this photo it is possible obserb that a woman (or man) with dense and thick hairs are less prone to develop common baldness. I have photos of some of my friends in this aspect. The key is that sebum flow don't stop because hairs are physically touching among them.

The real problem is sebum flow,


Armando Jose

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Wokster write
You might have a point there. Longer hair would give it more weight, which would have a slight pulling effect that could stimulate the follicles to remain in the anagen phase longer. Hypothetically speaking, of course

As a class of natural scalp massage??

I don't Know.



THank you for the smoking gun michael barry.

Now I would like to see the shampoo cult respond. :D


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Most men who go bald have short hair because......um most men have short hair. Dam I'm good.

michael barry

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Hair transplants like this one:

http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl= ... D%26sa%3DN

Utterly disprove Armando's theory.

The man with the awful plugs got them back when he had hair on top and some in the front. Over the years his hairline receeded and he didn't have the money or whatever to get more plugs put in, with better spacing and smaller units (those are really awful). You can see that the plug hair from his wreath did not fall out, but the naturally occuring hair up there did fall out. They had to take his wreath hair and redistribute it to achieve the final result that doesn't leave him disfigured.

A recent experiment that I posted moved thinning human head hair to mice. Only 2 head hairs that were untreated regenerated for a second growth phase. They miniaturized right on schedule. RU58841, a topical androgen receptor blocker, saved alot of them in the experimental group. It stops androgens from affecting your hair.


Please CIG and Diamond Dave. Please disprove Michael Barry! Please!!!
Say it ain't so... I thought I could grow back all my hair by not shampooing.

You guys told me that most people are balding because of shampoo rather than hormones and genetics. Please tell me M. Barry is wrong. :cry:


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Re: Pic of bald woman..............after testosterone inject

michael barry said:
Notice how aged her skin is? Testosterone ages the dermis.

Testosterone is good for the skin. It makes it thicker and more supple. DHT isn't... maybe that's why she/he looks more aged.


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are you trying to say that by us on here taking propeci and potentially raising testosterone levels we are doing more harm than good with aging etc? i dont fully understand.


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Armando Jose said:
Wokster write
You might have a point there. Longer hair would give it more weight, which would have a slight pulling effect that could stimulate the follicles to remain in the anagen phase longer. Hypothetically speaking, of course

As a class of natural scalp massage??

I don't Know.


http://www.rosenbaumcreative.com/walken ... trview.htm

Interview by Steven Garbarino


SG: You don’t look anywhere near that old. What’s your beauty secret?

CW: My skin has never seen the light of day. And I have a lot of hair - that helps.

SG: I think my hair is starting to recede some.

CW: Anthony Perkins, who I knew as a kid, told me once that every day I should grab my hair and pull it for five minutes. I’ve been doing it since he told me that. They say that men lose their hair because over the years the skin on the scalp tightens, the blood gets cut off, and the hair dies, like grass, so the thing is to keep the scalp loose by pulling on it.


Armando Jose

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"My skin has never seen the light of day" This is called avoid phothoaging, but the word "never" is exaggerate.

"CW: Anthony Perkins, who I knew as a kid, told me once that every day I should grab my hair and pull it for five minutes. I’ve been doing it since he told me that. They say that men lose their hair because over the years the skin on the scalp tightens, the blood gets cut off, and the hair dies, like grass, so the thing is to keep the scalp loose by pulling on it."

Clearly hair biology is not the speciality of Mr. Anthony Perkins but clearly if you have a healthy scalp, the hair lives better, and a light massage it or pulled it with care can be usefull.
