Performance Enhancers

Keyser Söze

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The owner of the supplement store I go to keeps telling me to take products of his that he keeps under the counter. Some of these products are Methyl D, M1T & other various performance enhancers. Are these products even worth it ? Wouldn't it be better just to use anabolic steroids, like deca & winstrol that are not hard on the hair
I wonder what else he keeps under the counter….. I wanted to know if these products are safe ? Would they hurt your hair are there ones that you can take that don't effect hair loss. Thanks


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If you haven't been lifting for a good long while, there's no reason to take steroids, or those "supps" under the counter. If you've been lifting consistently for a year, then you could consider them if you wanted to. Typically you can make newbie gains during your first few months of lifting that would rival gains of an advanced lifter on a steroid cycle...Plus you won't lose any of your gains like AAS users do when coming off cycle (water weight).

Comparison: Those products under the counter are generally harder on your liver than AAS. Under the counter, or AAS will require PCT. Under the counter (and some AAS) will require liver support pre/during/post cycle.

As for gains, some love Superdrol, Hyperdrol, Phera-Plex etc...While others think they suck. Seems the people that keep the gains love em, while those that lose the gains hate em.

It's cheaper to use the under the counter supps than actual AAS, only because the under the counter supps have 3 or 4 week cycles. While AAS cycles are usually 10 - 16 weeks or so.

I'm guessing those under the counter supps will be the next things to be banned by the FDA.