Peppermint oil


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I read on Swiss's ask page something about peppermint oil and pge2. He also put it in his future treatments.

Well for some reason I happen to have it on hand.

What at would be the best way to use it? Topically or internally? Both? And what should I be mixing it with, the bottle has a number of carrier oils it mixes with, should I be using one of those?



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That's gonna be in my topical for sure. The study looks interesting and so does ST's site and results! I plan to make a 25% Dmso/70% castor/3% peppermit oil/2% rosemary oil topical. Also people shouldn't freak out about dmso so much. The leading pioneer in the research of dmso back in the 60's took 1 tsp daily for 30 years and still had good health. Just don't use it with chemicals and wait before adding chemical topicals and rinse your scalp off. I think some people give naturals a bad rap because they see a study that shows positive effects, try it, don't follow through with it, and bash it. Give it a try adding peppermint to an established topical or your shampoo doesn't hurt and if the study is right it might really help!

p.s. don't eat it!


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I just started using the "Big 3" shampoo, instead of normal Nizoral shampoo. It contains peppermint, and it smells really strongly of it. Something (possibly the peppermint) feels really soothing and "cool" on my head. I like it. :)
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Lots of hair loss shampoos actually have peppermint in it. I am also added one shampoo with peppermint to my regimen lately. I am taking it besides Alpecin (which probably does not have any effect any way but somehow just feels good).

Can you really take peppermint oil internally? And what about peppermint tea then?


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Pleasantly suitable for an abundance of oral and topical uses and antimicrobial properties. Peppermint oil is likely safe when taken by mouth in amounts commonly found in food, and when used topically. Peppermint oil has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, and it soothes an itchy scalp, keeps dandruff at bay and defends against head lice. If that wasn't enough, peppermint oil also helps to absorb excess oils on the scalp, moisturize a dry scalp and promote hair growth. Peppermint essential oil gives a cooling sensation and has a calming effect on the body, which can relieve sore muscles when used topically. Since peppermint oil is known to have astringent properties, it helps to normalize the sebum secretion and cools the scalp.
Since this oil has excellent moisturizing properties, you can mix it with your favorite carrier oil like almond oil or olive oil and apply the mixture on your hair. Alternatively, you may use peppermint essential oil in combination with other essential oils like jasmine or lavender. It helps to nourish your hair and moisturize it thoroughly.


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Just so you know, peppermint oil is not considered by Swisstemples as a future treatment anymore.


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Update: Swisstemples has removed peppermint oil from his advise because of a conflicting study suggesting it may actually inhibit PGE2. Check it out on under what to buy/use


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(I'm unable to post a new thread I ask here, it seems close to the subject of this thread..)

I'm using Dutas + Minoxi + Nizoral.
seems to work fine, but - my follicles are thin, not just in the prone-to area, all the hair is too thin.
Two years ago I over went a natural herbal hair treatment, it helped so much - the hair grew thick strong and darker, but in time it had lost its effect. It seems that the hair does need some nutrition, and since I can't afford over going it again and again (5000$), I thought of using a herbal nutritional lotion/mask once a week. Can you recommend on something with the right herbal complex stuff, or direct me to someone who will?

which herbals contains necessary vitamins and might contribute in a hair mask?


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(I'm unable to post a new thread I ask here, it seems close to the subject of this thread..)

I'm using Dutas + Minoxi + Nizoral.
seems to work fine, but - my follicles are thin, not just in the prone-to area, all the hair is too thin.
Two years ago I over went a natural herbal hair treatment, it helped so much - the hair grew thick strong and darker, but in time it had lost its effect. It seems that the hair does need some nutrition, and since I can't afford over going it again and again (5000$), I thought of using a herbal nutritional lotion/mask once a week. Can you recommend on something with the right herbal complex stuff, or direct me to someone who will?

which herbals contains necessary vitamins and might contribute in a hair mask?

There's no faith in herbals on this forum. There may be some good out there, but it's hard to tell with all the phoney studies and claims.

Castor oil, pumpkin seed oil might have some benefit.

Armando Jose

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5000$ a natural treatment? Is it a joke?

BTW Jojoba oil plus EO's can be useful.


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yes 5000$ for herbal hair treatment..
though it worked!

- - - Updated - - -

I overwent some sites, got lots of recommended herbals, from which i want to chose the most effective for a good topical mixture..

Aloe Vera
Amla (Indian Gooseberry) -powder
Bhringraj (Eclipta alba)
Burdock Root -root oil
Calendula (Calendula officianalis) -flower oil
Flaxseed (linseed)
Ginger Root -oil
Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica)
Hibiscus -flowers
Hops (Humulus lupus) -oil
Horsetail (Equisetum arvensa)
Lavender (Lavandula augustifolia) -oil
Licorice -root
Marshmallow (Althea officinalis) -root
Oat Straw (Avena sativa)
Parsley (Petroselinium crispum)
Rose Hips (Rosa canina) -fruit juice
Rosemary (Rosemarinus officianalis) -oil
Sage (salvia)
Shikakai (Acacia concinna) -dried fruit grinded
Soapnut (Sapindus mukorossi) -fruit
Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) -oil
Watercress (Nasturtium officianale)
Yucca (Yucca schidigera)
Castor oil
Coconut oil
Olive oil
Fenugreek seeds
Apple cider vinegar
mixture of henna containing triphala powder, shikakai, reetha and extract of coriander leaves