People your own age

Captain Obvious

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I'm 25 years old but I can't for the life of me feel like it.

I could be in a crowd of 20-somethings and feel completely out of place. It's so confusing. Aren't I supposed to feel natural with people my own age? Shouldn't that be all I need in common with someone in order to form a relationship? I think I remember that's how it used to be... I think?

I used to be well recieved by people my own age but not anymore. I seem to have been exiled into a no mans land of psychological development. I keep thinking (hoping) that it's just a phase, that pretty soon they'll all "catch up" to me or whatever, maybe in my 30's when they stop judging books by covers.

Until then I guess I'm just incompatible with my own age.


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i strongly agree man.

19 with hair loss, definitely feel a lot more comfortable with 30+ guys

jesus i didnt relate to most teens even before hair loss


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being around disfigured people is when im at my most comfortable.

i fit in.


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been a good week of weather here, so spent a bit of time on the beach with mates. besides yesterday, when i went down on my own to do a bit of reading. had a relaxing day, minding my own business, ended up having a sleep..... burnt my head bright red.

roll on today, back to the beach, this time with a cap on to protect my scalp, so baldness covered up.

i cant even finish this post, its too f*****g depressing. needless to say there wasnt just 'glances' from passing girls to say they noticed me, there was a few full on "come f**k me" looks (the sun mustve gone to their heads!). for all of that i had just one girl come on to me, out of nowhere she strolls over and asks if im in university lol..... yeah sweetheart 10 years ago. we talked about her course, the weather, the town and all the rest of it, just when we were about the point where i shouldve asked for number i had to make my excuses and leave. its bad enough being bald, its worse when youre burnt bright red.

Anyway, its not just people around my own age (29) I feel uncomfortable around, its all people right down to the age of little kids, BUT ONLY WHEN MY BALDNESS IS COVERED UP.

Granted, that every other time I've been down there I was never hit on or had any chance to pull the trigger myself, due to looking like sh1t bald, but at least everything is out in the open from the start if something does happen.

Ive had perfect 10 women in my youth you know, one girl was a club dancer who did a couple of music videos and once modeled in a calendar, now I cant even catch the eyes of greasy birds stuffing their face with kfc.


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I'm almost 29 and I prefer like minded people. Many of my friends are younger, though.

I am fortunate - I guess - to still look young. I get IDd for entry to clubs and for alcohol (in the UK the limit is 18, but they usually ask if you look younger than 21 or 25). I used to hate it, but now I take it as a complement as I am pushing 30.

I just wish my hair would grow thicker. In fact, people say I look older if I wear a hat.

I don't know... age ain't nothing but a number...


I literally hated all the people in my highschool, that was before hairloss with ling hair, I grow up in poverty and hard home, i won't say that I like old people but 27+ are the ones I more relete too


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I'm 25 and NW3 and to be honest I feel a lot more comfortable now than I did before. I think at my age being a NW3 is perfectly fine and socially acceptable.

Used to be a nightmare when I started losing it at 18, then 21, then 23, but for the last 2 years I've maintained completely and I notice now more guys my age slowly moving into NW2 territory etc... it's nothing major or rapid at this stage, but it's still male pattern baldness, they know it and I know it! :woot: This makes me feel a lot better, as these guys didn't have any problems back when we were 21 and 23 and I was the odd one out.

Sure you still get plenty of guys who are full heads at my age, but then they might be getting fat, or be developing bad wrinkles on their face... etc, no one remains physically perfect after 25, everyone starts going downhill from there, one way or the other.

Yes, there are a few genetic freaks out there who still look 21 when they're 30, but they make up less than 1% of the male population.


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Beingbaldsucks said:
And I'm 21 with disfigured hairline

BBS I highly recommend you watch this popular British TV Documentary... ... ul-friends

It's about people who have been truly "disfigured" ya know like, had their faces completely mutilated through acid attacks, factory accidents etc....

My put your "disfigurement" issues into perspective slightly.


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Primo said:
I'm 25 and NW3 and to be honest I feel a lot more comfortable now than I did before. I think at my age being a NW3 is perfectly fine and socially acceptable.

Used to be a nightmare when I started losing it at 18, then 21, then 23, but for the last 2 years I've maintained completely and I notice now more guys my age slowly moving into NW2 territory etc... it's nothing major or rapid at this stage, but it's still male pattern baldness, they know it and I know it! :woot: This makes me feel a lot better, as these guys didn't have any problems back when we were 21 and 23 and I was the odd one out.

Sure you still get plenty of guys who are full heads at my age, but then they might be getting fat, or be developing bad wrinkles on their face... etc, no one remains physically perfect after 25, everyone starts going downhill from there, one way or the other.

Yes, there are a few genetic freaks out there who still look 21 when they're 30, but they make up less than 1% of the male population.

they age like twice as good as whites do


she is 40 :shock:

but what you are saying is true for whites. altho you can look reasonably good with safe sun exposure, exercise, and other healthy habits well into 30s i think

sure u wont look like when u were early 20s but still look good


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Zeroman said:
Primo said:
I'm 25 and NW3 and to be honest I feel a lot more comfortable now than I did before. I think at my age being a NW3 is perfectly fine and socially acceptable.

Used to be a nightmare when I started losing it at 18, then 21, then 23, but for the last 2 years I've maintained completely and I notice now more guys my age slowly moving into NW2 territory etc... it's nothing major or rapid at this stage, but it's still male pattern baldness, they know it and I know it! :woot: This makes me feel a lot better, as these guys didn't have any problems back when we were 21 and 23 and I was the odd one out.

Sure you still get plenty of guys who are full heads at my age, but then they might be getting fat, or be developing bad wrinkles on their face... etc, no one remains physically perfect after 25, everyone starts going downhill from there, one way or the other.

Yes, there are a few genetic freaks out there who still look 21 when they're 30, but they make up less than 1% of the male population.

they age like twice as good as whites do


she is 40 :shock:

but what you are saying is true for whites. altho you can look reasonably good with safe sun exposure, exercise, and other healthy habits well into 30s i think

sure u wont look like when u were early 20s but still look good

It is because they eat Natto, which is high in vitamin PQQ and probably other stuff. You can buy the vitamin, but Natto has 2 other discovered good things in it, so you might be missing more.


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Zeroman said:

they age like twice as good as whites do


she is 40 :shock:

but what you are saying is true for whites. altho you can look reasonably good with safe sun exposure, exercise, and other healthy habits well into 30s i think

sure u wont look like when u were early 20s but still look good

Yeah, over here in the U.K I notice that a lot with white guys. We have very little sun for most of the year so when it occasionally does get hot as it is now, or when these guys go on holiday, they get way too much sun exposure all at once and f*** their skin up completely...

I see loads of these guys over here who might even be NW1s but their skin looks about 10 years older, it might also be down to poor nutrition I don't know, but they look like sh*t and I know for a fact girls find wrinkly, old, prematurely aging skin just as unattractive as baldness.

Also, like you say, healthy habits and exercise are very important, lots of guys over here think they can afford to drink 20 pints of beer a week as long as they offset it by buffing up in the gym a few times a week... Wrong! Girls don't find chunky guys with beer bellies attractive (unless they got some weird fetish) It's the muscly, toned look which attracts the women, you don't need to be as big as Statham, just stay in control of your waistline.


Strangly in feudal Japan they used to shaved this air in the middle and leaving hair on the side and back and make a ponytail upward with it, that was one of the most common haircuts back then, espiecelly with the samurai class, for a Japanese balding guy that's an awesome option to look cool.


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Primo said:
Zeroman said:

they age like twice as good as whites do


she is 40 :shock:

but what you are saying is true for whites. altho you can look reasonably good with safe sun exposure, exercise, and other healthy habits well into 30s i think

sure u wont look like when u were early 20s but still look good

Yeah, over here in the U.K I notice that a lot with white guys. We have very little sun for most of the year so when it occasionally does get hot as it is now, or when these guys go on holiday, they get way too much sun exposure all at once and f*ck their skin up completely...

I see loads of these guys over here who might even be NW1s but their skin looks about 10 years older, it might also be down to poor nutrition I don't know, but they look like sh*t and I know for a fact girls find wrinkly, old, prematurely aging skin just as unattractive as baldness.

Also, like you say, healthy habits and exercise are very important, lots of guys over here think they can afford to drink 20 pints of beer a week as long as they offset it by buffing up in the gym a few times a week... Wrong! Girls don't find chunky guys with beer bellies attractive (unless they got some weird fetish) It's the muscly, toned look which attracts the women, you don't need to be as big as Statham, just stay in control of your waistline.

Also I don't worry about asian girls, I went out with a Japanese girl a few years ago and they like all their men to look like pre-pubescent boyband members well into their 30s, cleanly shaven with big mops of crazy hair. Suffice to say I don't think she'd be that in to me anymore with my NW3 and rugged irish beard look :woot:

Balding Japanese guys have it worse than anyone else in the word in my opinion, all the men look ultra-feminine over there, the bald look truly does not fit it.

if you dont take this off i'm reporting you for racism


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Zeroman said:
if you dont take this off i'm reporting you for racism

I'm deeply sorry if I offended you Zeroman, all I was doing was responding to the statement you made in your previous post...

Zeroman said:

they age like twice as good as whites do

.... which is itself, a bit of a racist generalisation. don't ya think? The rest of my post cannot possibly qualify as racist because I'm talking about my own race, Caucasians.

Anyway, lets stay clear of all racial generalisations from now on and try and keep things sensible. This is supposed to be a light hearted forum where we help each other out with advice and support and not where people level defamatory accusations and threaten to sue each other (Slipy, you pathetic, little weasel, please get a life)


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Zeroman said:
Primo said:
Zeroman said:

they age like twice as good as whites do


she is 40 :shock:

but what you are saying is true for whites. altho you can look reasonably good with safe sun exposure, exercise, and other healthy habits well into 30s i think

sure u wont look like when u were early 20s but still look good

Yeah, over here in the U.K I notice that a lot with white guys. We have very little sun for most of the year so when it occasionally does get hot as it is now, or when these guys go on holiday, they get way too much sun exposure all at once and f*ck their skin up completely...

I see loads of these guys over here who might even be NW1s but their skin looks about 10 years older, it might also be down to poor nutrition I don't know, but they look like sh*t and I know for a fact girls find wrinkly, old, prematurely aging skin just as unattractive as baldness.

Also, like you say, healthy habits and exercise are very important, lots of guys over here think they can afford to drink 20 pints of beer a week as long as they offset it by buffing up in the gym a few times a week... Wrong! Girls don't find chunky guys with beer bellies attractive (unless they got some weird fetish) It's the muscly, toned look which attracts the women, you don't need to be as big as Statham, just stay in control of your waistline.

Also I don't worry about asian girls, I went out with a Japanese girl a few years ago and they like all their men to look like pre-pubescent boyband members well into their 30s, cleanly shaven with big mops of crazy hair. Suffice to say I don't think she'd be that in to me anymore with my NW3 and rugged irish beard look :woot:

Balding Japanese guys have it worse than anyone else in the word in my opinion, all the men look ultra-feminine over there, the bald look truly does not fit it.


if you dont take this off i'm reporting you for racism

How is that racism? It's an observation if anything and an opinion.


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Primo said:
This is supposed to be a light hearted forum where we help each other out with advice and support and not where people level defamatory accusations and threaten to sue each other (Slipy, you pathetic, little weasel, please get a life)

you had me rolling there.

it was merely friendly banter on my part, which you mistook for hostility.

but nevertheless, you weren't too far off with your description of me. :laugh:
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Zeroman said:
Primo said:
I'm 25 and NW3 and to be honest I feel a lot more comfortable now than I did before. I think at my age being a NW3 is perfectly fine and socially acceptable.

Used to be a nightmare when I started losing it at 18, then 21, then 23, but for the last 2 years I've maintained completely and I notice now more guys my age slowly moving into NW2 territory etc... it's nothing major or rapid at this stage, but it's still male pattern baldness, they know it and I know it! :woot: This makes me feel a lot better, as these guys didn't have any problems back when we were 21 and 23 and I was the odd one out.

Sure you still get plenty of guys who are full heads at my age, but then they might be getting fat, or be developing bad wrinkles on their face... etc, no one remains physically perfect after 25, everyone starts going downhill from there, one way or the other.

Yes, there are a few genetic freaks out there who still look 21 when they're 30, but they make up less than 1% of the male population.

they age like twice as good as whites do


she is 40 :shock:

but what you are saying is true for whites. altho you can look reasonably good with safe sun exposure, exercise, and other healthy habits well into 30s i think

sure u wont look like when u were early 20s but still look good

yes but asians can only look young or really old

one day this woman will wake up and look 70+


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okay ur right primo lets all just calm down then

lets talk about christian bale

i loved his role as batman