People Who Experienced Pfs Did You Start Losing Hair Upon Stopping Finasteride?


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People who experienced PFS, did the finasteride work to stop your hair loss while on the drug? How well did it work? Also once you stopped taking finasteride did you hair loss continue at its previous rate? If your side effects did subside eventually, did your hair loss start up again?

Thanks everyone who replies. Just trying to get a little more insight on how PFS works.

Based on information I have received from people and viewed online:
- Appears people who have very positive reactions to finasteride are more likely to experience side effects and PFS.
- Also appears that most people begin losing hair again after stopping finasteride, even if experiencing PFS.
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it stopped my hairline from receding any further and really thickened my crown up. my side effects haven't fully went away yet and it has been 10 weeks since quitting the drug. i can't really tell how thin my hair is now because i shave it to the skin with a razor blade.


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Only took it for a few weeks before side effects kicked in and so it wasn't long enough to know what difference it did to my hair.


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yes what you have read pretty much happened to me. I got great results from finasteride. And really bad side effects. And when I stopped finasteride my hair loss started again but the side effects still stayed

I am your typical sufferer it seems as I bounced back to normal after around 2 weeks where your dht goes back to normal then I crashed and have had Pfs since.

I took it for about a year 3 years ago. i took for so long because I didn't attribute the sides i was getting to finasteride. It basically made me feel awful. No real sexual sides apart from watery semen which I expected. I hadn't researched or known what else this drug could do to you so I put my general lack of well being down to stress/anxiety/sh*t going on in my life. My dick was fine. And that's all I thought I had to look out for.

It's only after coming back from holiday and feeling amazing after 2 weeks without it I felt back to normal. It was day and night. Then i. crashed and fucked my body up. It look me a while to realise what the fucked had happened to me through Internet searches. Hairlosshelp. Propeciahelp. Solvepfs.

I pretty much just left my body alone for a while longer to see if it would just reset itself over time but it didn't. I got better but only a little. I would have random times I would bounce back and then I d crash again. so at the start of this year I made some changes to my lifestyle. Some I kept some I didn't. I wasn't strict enough

After lots more reading over the course of this year I realise the only people who have ever recovered from this completely changed their lifestyles. It seems a very strict diet and workout regime is needed to beat this f*****g thing which I will begin soon. Regimes started from guys like cdnuts.

I have times now where my morning wood is super strong so I hope that means I am not completely fcuked up and I can recover from this.

I dunno if your asking this because your thinking about getting on finasteride. But Pfs is real man and its f*****g horrible. If people say most guys won't get sides them so be it. Who knows what the numbers are? I am not particularly anti finasteride. I am angry with myself for so reckless with my health. And not researching it properly and monitor myself. I didn't know what the fcuk I was doing. Maybe if i had stopped it when I started to really feel like sh*t around 6 months into taking it I could have been ok. And pushing myself through another 6 months of hell fcuked me. But I've read guys got Pfs after a few weeks. So who knows. I really don't know the science of it all that well.

But it is real so be careful.


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yes what you have read pretty much happened to me. I got great results from finasteride. And really bad side effects. And when I stopped finasteride my hair loss started again but the side effects still stayed

I am your typical sufferer it seems as I bounced back to normal after around 2 weeks where your dht goes back to normal then I crashed and have had Pfs since.

I took it for about a year 3 years ago. i took for so long because I didn't attribute the sides i was getting to finasteride. It basically made me feel awful. No real sexual sides apart from watery semen which I expected. I hadn't researched or known what else this drug could do to you so I put my general lack of well being down to stress/anxiety/sh*t going on in my life. My dick was fine. And that's all I thought I had to look out for.

It's only after coming back from holiday and feeling amazing after 2 weeks without it I felt back to normal. It was day and night. Then i. crashed and fucked my body up. It look me a while to realise what the fucked had happened to me through Internet searches. Hairlosshelp. Propeciahelp. Solvepfs.

I pretty much just left my body alone for a while longer to see if it would just reset itself over time but it didn't. I got better but only a little. I would have random times I would bounce back and then I d crash again. so at the start of this year I made some changes to my lifestyle. Some I kept some I didn't. I wasn't strict enough

After lots more reading over the course of this year I realise the only people who have ever recovered from this completely changed their lifestyles. It seems a very strict diet and workout regime is needed to beat this f*****g thing which I will begin soon. Regimes started from guys like cdnuts.

I have times now where my morning wood is super strong so I hope that means I am not completely fcuked up and I can recover from this.

I dunno if your asking this because your thinking about getting on finasteride. But Pfs is real man and its f*****g horrible. If people say most guys won't get sides them so be it. Who knows what the numbers are? I am not particularly anti finasteride. I am angry with myself for so reckless with my health. And not researching it properly and monitor myself. I didn't know what the fcuk I was doing. Maybe if i had stopped it when I started to really feel like sh*t around 6 months into taking it I could have been ok. And pushing myself through another 6 months of hell fcuked me. But I've read guys got Pfs after a few weeks. So who knows. I really don't know the science of it all that well.

But it is real so be careful.
Not asking because of thinking about starting finasteride. I've actually been taking it for 2 years already. I am just trying to understand how PFS works. Have you had your hormone levels checked after stopping it? I don't understand why people have persistent side effects even though hair loss resumes, which would mean your dht levels are most likely back to normal.


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If we understood what was happening there wouldn't be thousands of guys out there still fucked up. Like I said before I don't really know the science of it all too well. Your probably better off joining websites like propeciahelp and solvepfs to understand more. And swolesource which isn't for finasteride users it's generally aimed at health and fitness I think.

All I know is my dht returned after two weeks because I felt amazing again. Then I crashed and felt bad again. Which seems to be a common thing with Pfs sufferers. But I didn't realise any of this for months and months after randomly reading people's experiences on the Internet. It's only when I found people experiencing similar things and knowing a bit more about the drug that I found out what had happened to me. I didn't even know about the 'dht levels going back to normal after two weeks' when I started taking the drug. So when I did stop it for a couple weeks and felt better I had know idea is was the finasteride. I just knew I felt great in a very long time. I just put it down to having a nice holiday.

I'd have blood tests before and after finasteride (not dht though) and they have all come back fine according to the doctor. But this is before I read all the stuff on those websites about how doctors don't know sh*t about Pfs and how I need to get dht levels checked too.

Infact i did actually request a dht one in my last blood check a year ago but he refused because it costs too much lol. Which is all very ironic considering they prescribe proscar at a fraction of the price and dosage to propecia. Just because is it labelled differently and is for cosmetic use. But at that time had nooooo f*****g idea what was happening to me, the depth of Pfs, blood tests needed etc etc. I was clueless. I even read on some threads blood tests were useless. So when he refused me I just said fine. Knowing now what I know and have read over the past year I would have f*****g insisted it. I just listened to my doctors (who I trusted) and they told me I was fine. I have since lost all respect for them and the industry in general.

Go join those other websites and do some researching there you'll learn more. i still feel clueless lol. Those poor fuckers on solvepfs are just as fucked as me and try all these regimes to get better but don't. I've since found swolesource who have guys like cdnuts english maxwell (who posts on here) who seems to REALLY understand the what the f*** is going on and have recovered slowly through extremely strict diet and workout. That SEEMS to be the cure from what I've read so far. But who knows. If it is why the f*** don't those guys on solvepfs try their regimes.


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If we understood what was happening there wouldn't be thousands of guys out there still fucked up. Like I said before I don't really know the science of it all too well. Your probably better off joining websites like propeciahelp and solvepfs to understand more. And swolesource which isn't for finasteride users it's generally aimed at health and fitness I think.

All I know is my dht returned after two weeks because I felt amazing again. Then I crashed and felt bad again. Which seems to be a common thing with Pfs sufferers. But I didn't realise any of this for months and months after randomly reading people's experiences on the Internet. It's only when I found people experiencing similar things and knowing a bit more about the drug that I found out what had happened to me. I didn't even know about the 'dht levels going back to normal after two weeks' when I started taking the drug. So when I did stop it for a couple weeks and felt better I had know idea is was the finasteride. I just knew I felt great in a very long time. I just put it down to having a nice holiday.

I'd have blood tests before and after finasteride (not dht though) and they have all come back fine according to the doctor. But this is before I read all the stuff on those websites about how doctors don't know sh*t about Pfs and how I need to get dht levels checked too.

Infact i did actually request a dht one in my last blood check a year ago but he refused because it costs too much lol. Which is all very ironic considering they prescribe proscar at a fraction of the price and dosage to propecia. Just because is it labelled differently and is for cosmetic use. But at that time had nooooo f*****g idea what was happening to me, the depth of Pfs, blood tests needed etc etc. I was clueless. I even read on some threads blood tests were useless. So when he refused me I just said fine. Knowing now what I know and have read over the past year I would have f*****g insisted it. I just listened to my doctors (who I trusted) and they told me I was fine. I have since lost all respect for them and the industry in general.

Go join those other websites and do some researching there you'll learn more. i still feel clueless lol. Those poor fuckers on solvepfs are just as fucked as me and try all these regimes to get better but don't. I've since found swolesource who have guys like cdnuts english maxwell (who posts on here) who seems to REALLY understand the what the f*** is going on and have recovered slowly through extremely strict diet and workout. That SEEMS to be the cure from what I've read so far. But who knows. If it is why the f*** don't those guys on solvepfs try their regimes.

I got a DHT blood test through the private system. It costs approximately $40.
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I'm from the uk. Dht isn't tested in the general hormone tests. It costs too much lol. If these fuckers wana charge us £100 for a 3 month supply we should get dht done for free.

Anyway for me personally I strongly suspect my problem is my gut. My gut is a f*****g mess and has been for a while. I can eat too much anymore without bloating real fast. And need to force myself to burp to feel relief. Sometimes just eating makes me feel awful. Even water can f*** me up. A few sips of water and I can be a mess in seconds. Headaches. My balls ache like crazy. I FEEL AWFUL. I guess you would call it a crash. And I have the most eggy smelly farts sometimes. So I know I have serious gut issues. I'm hoping strict diet and good gut health can fix me.

I don't know if I had a gut problem before finasteride and finasteride made it worse. But from what I've read online from those websites I mentioned above and health websites in general your gut is EXTREMELY f*****g important to your overall health. It's incredible really how important. Fascinating. Your well being, personality, hormones etc etc. It's all gut related.


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The main reason a majority of the guys don't try this "cure" is because it's pretty darn difficult and requires a LOT of discipline to follow. This generation, myself included, always wants a silver bullet to fix things, and who wouldn't? Unfortunately this doesn't work like that, and these guys continue to throw Rx hormones and pills into a system that is broken. Like putting gas into an empty tank, this doesn't get you very far. Not to mention that a lot of guys still consume alcohol which is a powerful modulator of neurosteroids and hormones. Literally, the two things you need to rebuild and refresh in this kind of situation, people are still damaging and screwing with. You have to help your body, rebuild your body - through cleansing, proper diet, and exercise, with a little nudge from herbal supplements and if you want to venture to them, DHT prohormones. All of this over TIME helps your body to rebuild itself - TIME does a majority of the healing, but following this protocol puts time on your side. Drinking alcohol, smoking dope, eating like sh*t, sitting on the couch constantly over analyzing the situation and thinking you're doomed, all put time at a great disadvantage to heal you. Why this is so hard for people to understand, I'm not real sure.

And OP, the issue with your theory is that this really has nothing to do with DHT most likely. 5 alpha reductive enzymes regulate much more than just convering DHT from T. They control certain neurosteroids as well as other hormones. The true issue that cause this is unknown, but my personal opinion (and that's all it is, my opinion) is that it's a mixture of neurosteroid deprivation in the brain, and upregulated androgen receptors - explaining why it takes such high levels of T in some guys to even notice any change when on TRT, and the neurosteroids help certain functions on the brain, including but not limited to, sexual function and desire. There's most likely some sort of GABA channel impairment or damage as well, which explains some of the symptoms like tinnitus and others.
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