people who dont shave their heads or dont conceal it look so



shitty. thats a fact. i see so many people with hairloss out there who dont shave or conceal it. it looks soooooo bad. okay if you are Norwood 2 it still looks good or if you just have a little thinning all over, but for all others it looks shitty. thats my opinion. i can see why so many of you are depressed about hairloss if you dont shave or conceal it. some look like freaks with hairloss. or like monsters. i guess thats why someone like that is so depressed about hairloss. but if you shave or conceal it , its okay. no problem anymore. you wanna see my hair with kerasome?

here it is

okay real hair is better, but still the best i can get out of it.


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pretty harsh man. Shaving sucks. Some people need hair on the side and around their ears to frame their face properly. Sometimes people have big ears. Depends on the person. most guys with shaved heads know they look good with shaved heads.

I looked like I belonged in a hispanic gang


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'i see so many people with hairloss out there who dont shave or conceal it. it looks soooooo bad'

I agree but think thats an understatement, you need one more 'o' on the end of soooooo.. When I see someone with just the horsehoe round the back and sides of his head, not buzzed at all, but just flailing about, it just looks 'wrong'. The worst part about it is that although a shaved head or even moderate hair loss could still let a person maintain good-looks, there is not a single man on the planet, no matter how good-looking, who can get away with a horseshe that isnt buzzed. A horseshoe like that literally RUINS and destroys everyones looks, no matter how beautiful they are. no one can get away with it. So i agree with you helpme, sahving or concealing it is best option. Id honestly wear a hairpiece before i let my NW6 or 7 fly free and long in the face of the world.


Looks awesome, I am gonna conceal my hair too when I can´t wear a Beanie hat in summer.


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I think it could be a psychological thing. There are a few guys who I work with one is NW3/4 the other is nw5/6! and they keep it about 1 inch and even try to style it with gel everyday. People tell them to shave it but they just wont.
Shaving is like admitting that the battle is lost. How many combover guys do you see? There are literally millions in the world from all different coultures and backgrounds. They know that they're not fooling anyone but they'd rather have combed over hair than expose their shiney scalp to the world.


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Yeah youre right there. It does baffle me how many choose to opt for the combover or letting it grow out around the back and sides as an aesthetic decision..Im tempted to say that these people just 'dont care', but the very fact that they decide to comb their hair over to hide their bald scalp shows they do care. Personally, I have a lot against these kind of men, because i feel strongly that they perpetuate the sterotype of bald as ugly and unattractive. I know that shaving it real close looks better on some men than others and does not suit everyone, but in my honest opinion the fact is that many women do not mind shaved heads, some women even prefer them...but no woman on the planet finds a combover or a a wispy horseshoe attractive in the least. That's why my only explanation for some of the men who adopt this look is that it they simply dont care enough..I wish I could be so carefree in some sense, but in another, I still think they are only further damaging the perception of the bald man.


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zackmcqueen said:
'i see so many people with hairloss out there who dont shave or conceal it. it looks soooooo bad'

I agree but think thats an understatement, you need one more 'o' on the end of soooooo.. When I see someone with just the horsehoe round the back and sides of his head, not buzzed at all, but just flailing about, it just looks 'wrong'. The worst part about it is that although a shaved head or even moderate hair loss could still let a person maintain good-looks, there is not a single man on the planet, no matter how good-looking, who can get away with a horseshe that isnt buzzed. A horseshoe like that literally RUINS and destroys everyones looks, no matter how beautiful they are. no one can get away with it. So i agree with you helpme, sahving or concealing it is best option. Id honestly wear a hairpiece before i let my NW6 or 7 fly free and long in the face of the world.

There are some people who looked decent with a balding scalp--

Shakespeare didn't look that bad with his hair grown out-- kind of fits his artsy style.

Follically Challenged

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I agree with the points made in this thread. When I was younger, I told myself when I was old and balding I would buzz my head like Jerry Tarkanian.

But now I tell myself I won't be balding when I'm old. :)


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OK here's a challenge then:
Somebody find a pic and post it of a guy who's bald but does'nt shave it and still looks good.

(Hey I just noticed my avatar!) :D


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when i go nw6, nw7 bald im not going to shave it, just keep it short, kind of like an ed harris thing. i actually admire a bald guy walking down the street that doesnt have his hair neo-nazi length. the shaved head bald guys i think are the ones that look silly. thats just me i guess. right now being 21 and in college i shave my head, and even though it doesnt look terrible i just dont like the look. some day ill let the horse shoe come out in the open and try to be happy with myself and realize that people can go bald and look good if they keep fit and dress nicely and not go around acting the timid bald man.


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s.a.f said:
OK here's a challenge then:
Somebody find a pic and post it of a guy who's bald but does'nt shave it and still looks good.

(Hey I just noticed my avatar!) :D

ronald macdonald.....but his burgers are s**Telogen Effluvium.


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s.a.f said:
OK here's a challenge then:
Somebody find a pic and post it of a guy who's bald but does'nt shave it and still looks good.

(Hey I just noticed my avatar!) :D

Well, she likes it

Hans Gruber

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s.a.f said:
OK here's a challenge then:
Somebody find a pic and post it of a guy who's bald but does'nt shave it and still looks good.

(Hey I just noticed my avatar!) :D





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Wasn't really gonna post on this thread but when you asked for it, the Hulkster came to mind...


The 24" killer pythons probably complement his look possibly also...


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lol I have to agree the hulkster looks better than most with his degree of hair loss.. As for the picture of Jack Nicholson, his hair loss in that picture is not severe enough to qualify for the task set. We want a picture of a man who only has the horseshoe-no hair on top whatsoever.. Nicholson still has enough hair there to frame his face and avoid bad sunburn.


jayman, im probably a Norwood 2 with very bad diffuse thinning all over. but i cant say for sure. look at my pics in the success stories forum.