People on the higher norwood scale


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Hey guys, I am just curious to find out more from the posters on the higher norwood scale, ie NW5-7.

I realise this may be a sensitive topic and apologise in advance if it offends anybody.

Basically, I would just like to find out when did you guys first realised that you are balding, ie the age when your balding first become noticeable. Also, I am curious to know how fast did your male pattern baldness progress, ie how many years it took from you noticing your balding to reach the stage you are currently at now.

This is because I read somewhere that people on the higher norwood scale generally have pretty noticeable hair loss by the time they hit 23 and would like to see how accurate it is.

Thanks for your responses and sorry again if i caused any offense.


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The guy on balding blog says that in most cases a N 6 or 7 pattern will be completed by age 35 for those that are headed there.


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About 23 sounds bang on for me.

Back in the day, I used to keep my hair in a flat-top style cut and I can remember the day my barber told me I could no longer style my hair that was as it had become too thin. By the time I was in my late 20's I was pretty much totally bald in the NW5/6 areas.


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Yeah I agree with this thoery I noticed I was losing it at 19. NW3 by about 23 and NW6 by about 28. If you get to 30 and are not yet a NW3 I'd say the chances of going totally bald are very slim.


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Thanks alot guys. Damn my derm said I have miniaturization from my vertex to the front. Guess I am one of the unlucky ones destined to high Norwood scale.

But I see so many diffused thinners here. Do diffuse thinners normally proceed to very high Norwood scale?


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My Dad is a Norwood 7, but had a fullish looking head of hair (he had a thin hair type though) until he was about 37 or so.


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I am not sure I agree either. My Uncle was able to pull off a very respectable style until at least his late thirties (I remember him having quite thick hair, though maybe my memory is faulty). I didn't see him for 15 years or so. He is now more or less bald.

However, he was really screwed by life though- he was long term unemployed, had severe money problems, was in a car accident and put in a wheelchair, and developed a muscular problems which will keep him in one. I guess stress can be a huge factor. At the end of the day, though, no one really can be sure of anything...


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male pattern baldness can be slow moving or like a lightning strike - and that's at any age.

Just because a person makes it out of his twenties without reaching NW3/4 doesn't mean he is in the clear. Look at Phil Jackson. He was a NW1 through most of his life, but suddenly in his 50s/60s he has become a diffuse NW5.


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^ Yeah but we're talking about the 'average' case. Of course no one is ever immune to the risk and there will always be exceptions, but for the vast majority if you start to show signs at a early age it will lead to a high level of baldness. And vice versa.