pcu83's Story


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So I guess this has been going on for over a year now. It's a terribly depressing thing knowing your hair is just gradually disappearing.

So here's the deal. Been on minoxidil about 15 months, propecia for about 13. Can't say whether it's working or not -- or just slowed down the gradual thinning. No real hairline recession, unless you just count the gradual thinning of my hair all over. Well I started as soon as I noticed any thinning -- in the area about an inch behind my hairline.

Here's the weird thing -- never shed. Never. I mean I guess after I started minoxidil in september 05 and then the foam in 06 i noticed about 10 hairs coming out in the shower w/ shampoo...which was abnormally high for me.

So yeah I guess that sucks. Just seems to be getting thin all over (sides, back). Just got blood work done and waiting on results after taking finasteride for a year. Going to ask the derm to write me an off-label for avodart and see how that works.

Old pictures are http://photos.yahoo.com/pcu83_1
Too depressed to take new pictures although it's gotten thinner...not entirely noticeable b/c I let it dry and then style it but i find it hard to look at myself in the mirror when my hair is wet/foamy or even in general.
